Powering audio devices from a desktop PC isnt a good idea at all , you'll almost certain have noise issues in the analog signal path .
A small standalone mixer with USB connection to the PC will do exactly what you want .
the values where Falstad standard, the actual values of the resistor in the circuit is 10K, i only have 100K(A) dual gang pots.I would advise you to change all the 1K pots and resistors to 10K.
Check ebay for '
5V TO 12V -12V +12V Mini DC-DC converter board'
for your experiment.
Agree with Tubetec - noise issues will need to be solved.
results in +2.5V/-2.5V witch leaves me about 1V headroom over line audio.
It works in phones, co players, etc.
CD standard is 2V RMS maximum output, which is just a little more than +2.8V/-2.8V.
In which case I would advise you to change all the resistor values to 100K. SInce this is a non-critical application a little extra noise will not be an issue.the values where Falstad standard, the actual values of the resistor in the circuit is 10K, i only have 100K(A) dual gang pots.
Powering audio devices from a desktop PC isnt a good idea at all , you'll almost certain have noise issues in the analog signal path .
A small standalone mixer with USB connection to the PC will do exactly what you want .
..10nF is too small for smoothing your virtual-ground reference - better make that at least 10uF..