I hate to interrupt this 'comparison' discussion
but I thought I'd better put this here for all to see:
Hi Matador,
I’ve really appreciated your recent posts regarding the more in depth theory as to what is happening with the electrons within the circuit.
Specifically the mention of the hi z section of the c12 project.
I’ve been experiencing some hissing/buzzing down in the noise floor and am not sure but suspect it to be related to the hi z section and my admittedly poor cleaning of heavy rosin flux. I’m not getting any significant low end roll off, perhaps this suggests my problem lies elsewhere? In fact I was surprised at how beefy it sounds, even with the hissy/buzzy noise floor. Not a ground hum but buzzy fizzy, ha love the audio adjectives.
Transformer is AMI, capsule is Beesneez k12, tube is 6072a from Christian Whitmore (BOWIE)
My question, what symptoms would one expect should these sections have high resistance paths to ground or leakage current. I read what you said about the filter frequency being influenced, would added noise be a result as well?
I used 91% ISA and can unfortunately still see a film of residue.
My initial thought is to lift connections between both backplates and Teflon pins at the pcb. Lift the capsule side legs of c13 and r14. Jumper my backplates and pry to the microphone gods… but first I thought it best to consult with you.
Thank you for your time and for the project!
Best Regards