Most tube mics are biased at less than one milliamp on the B+, though some are up to double that. The heater current is easily found by looking at the data sheet for the tube your using. Of course, the higher the current delivery capability of your transformer, the less it's likely to audibly hum (due to physical vibration). It's not a problem to have a B+ secondary that is above 200V. Personally, I like to start with voltages at the output of the rectifiers that are AT LEAST twice the final needed voltages. I end up with VERY quiet supplies, even though I usually don't use a regulator on the B+. (Hint: I do put a zener on the output of the B+ that's rated for about 20 volts more than the operating B+ voltage. That protects from surges and also acts as an emergency brake if someone turns on the supply without a mic connected, or the tube fails, etc.)