Oktava MK-219 Capsule Reskin or Replacement

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Well-known member
Nov 24, 2009
Seattle, WA
I have a lovely puncture hole in the front of my Oktava MK-219’s capsule.

Any ideas/recommendations on getting it skinned?

I am assuming it’ll be pricey and probably not worth it. Are there any Chinese capsules you’d recommend? I know I can just buy a used MK-219 or 319 and pull the capsule, but frankly I’m not looking to spend another $120.

Theres a lot of capsule options on Alibaba going for $20-60 a piece, so I’m hoping one of them will work. And yes, I know the saddle will need some thought.
'Twer I, I'd keep an eye on eBay for a broken 219 ("For parts or repair"); problems are usually electrical or electro-mecahnical rather than bad capsule.
You could buy those as spare parts, Oktava shop in Germany had them listed online.
I like that capsuleI have Mk101 head I have it currently wired up to U67 circuit minu FB network sounds lovely anyway saw this other day... Capsules
I know this isn't a popular solution. Depending on the size of the hole, you can just stick a tiny amount ot tape to seal it. The diaphragm is glued to the ring (at least on mine) so you can just take it off and glue it if there's a part of the diaphragm touching the backplate.

That diaphragm is pretty resilient contrary to what many believe, wont snap easily at all. But you do need a pair of steady hands.

I fixed mine this way, just because i was too lazy to re-skin it. I do re-skinning my self usually. The tiny additional mass didn't change a thing sound wise. So instead of just ditching it, maybe try this before bying new.

I have also played with stuff like this. Added stuff to the diaphragm of some scrap capsules. You need to add considerable amount of tape to start seeing changes ;)
I have a lovely puncture hole in the front of my Oktava MK-219’s capsule.

Any ideas/recommendations on getting it skinned?

I am assuming it’ll be pricey and probably not worth it. Are there any Chinese capsules you’d recommend? I know I can just buy a used MK-219 or 319 and pull the capsule, but frankly I’m not looking to spend another $120.

Theres a lot of capsule options on Alibaba going for $20-60 a piece, so I’m hoping one of them will work. And yes, I know the saddle will need some thought.
Hi funky. I have a broken 319 (I was teaching my kid soldering and he overheated/burnt the board - he didn't learn well ;). Anyway, I don't live too far from you (interior of BC) so postage/etc would be reasonable. Easy to remove capsule and send that only.. DM me if interested.
Hi Everyone, I just joined the forum and new to DIY mics, I have an Oktava MK 219 with a capsule that isn't working due to the previous owner removing the screw in the centre of the diaphragm. I was thinking about upgrading the capsule along with some of the components, is the capsule repairable ?