> the same tube tube has been functioning since 1998 with no problems
The opto compressor/limiter I designed (from pure concept, not another LA-2 topology) in 1980 is still in use today, and has now recorded thousands of hours of precious live concerts. I grant that it is not tube. (1980 was a poor time for tubes; also the original use was portable recording)
> kids I assume
Not any more. I remember when kitchen radios and TVs had to warm-up. I fixed, upgraded, and designed (and made a living with) a lot of bottle-stuff before the decline, fall, and rebirth of tubes. That's why I know a 12AU7 is a darn fine resistor and current-limit, and could barely blow-out an LED if it tried.
But this crowd has a mix of people who don't know Ohm's Law, and people who can poke a pin in any ballon. Your sketches and comments could be clearer. A photoresistor should be clearly labeled and its light source indicated with a note or dotted line, otherwise someone is sure to misunderstand. And my non-kid eyes appreciate putting an explicit ZERO in front of decimal points: ".1" looks like "1" to my eyes, especially on a dotty background grid. "0.1" is harder to mis-read. (Yes, I have been known to mis-read "R1" and "R2", and give a long explanation about the wrong resistor.... some days I should just stick to PlayDoh.)