How to add thick grease to an Encoder Knob for better "feel"

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Shameless plug ,but I make thousands of ball drives that need Kilopoise,we ended up making a mix
between two types to grease to get the "feel right"
its in the Tascam ninja shop. One lad I think has teh original 0868 but its S version

We use all type of this stuff in radio dials, and I use mine on the Tascam 30 series tension arm dampners
Shameless plug ,but I make thousands of ball drives that need Kilopoise,we ended up making a mix
between two types to grease to get the "feel right"
its in the Tascam ninja shop. One lad I think has teh original 0868 but its S version

We use all type of this stuff in radio dials, and I use mine on the Tascam 30 series tension arm dampners
Sounds great! Link?
All these schemes, some of which use a secondary bearing , problem there is usually that the shaft size is too short to accomodatea second bearing. let's see how this bears out. (yeah I know) As far as most cheap encoders I have worked on, some have plastic shafts, some have metal ones. most plastic shafts will wear faster, keeping it lubed will increase the life of the encoder, metal or plastic. You can add some grease on the shaft as most heavier greases will not migrate to the optical elements. I have come to not like lithium grease because of the way is does not seem to stick to the area where the load is being applied. It just seems to get pushed out of the way and shortly needed reapplying. I have vague memories of some technicians using one of those oil stop leak additives (STP?or Bahrdal?)on pots to make them feel better. Try some type of synthetic grease may also work well. Also tightening up the shaft play or what a car mechanic calls runout can help. Add some shims to the shaft but not more to add too much drag on the rotation of the pot.. The tolerance will be better kept if the knob is not just a press on but has a set screw.
Also the Bigger the knob, the more impressive it is, just ask Greg Mackie. Usually the volume pot has the largest knob and for some reason always seems to be a higher quality feel.

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