passive mixer stuff

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2004
Roanoke, Virginia. USA.
Hey... I've seen quite a few threads around here about diy mixers. Most of which are using a passive network with make up gain afterwards. I'd like to read more about the finer points of the passive mixer sections themselves. Anybody know any good articles or places to start?

thanks in advance

If you have a fast 'net connection, this thread will point you to a good place to start:

Note that Tremaine's book concerns itself mostly with low-impedance, constant-resistance networks. Many of the passive mixers being made by hobbyists today, including yours truly, are better described as medium- to high-impedance, non-constant resistance, and I'm not aware of any ready reference material for those. The tradeoffs of the latter type of network are so numerous that it doesn't lend itself to the handy treatment of formulas and charts that can be used to guide design of the former type of network.