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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

page up and page down
Ironic, really, when you consider that most patent examiners in the software field these days never actually seem to read past the first page in the first place.

Although the claims seem to be written in a dialect of English that is incomprehensible, the description seems to be claiming any kind of page up/down logic that results in the view landing at the top of the page. The cheesy word processor that came with my Commodore 64 back in the early 80s did that.
You know they'll go after every single instance of usage of their "patent". With their vast coffers, no company or person has a chance in hell of defending themselves, MS will just milk the justice system until your money dries up and they'll win by default.. Think Monster Cable..
[quote author="Gus"][/quote]
Thanks for posting this ! I mean, I was about to buy me some Apple gear to obtain me a much needed identity, but as it looks now that Apple (& Nike to go with it) aren't so cool anyhow... :oops: :cool:

Pretty sad people there...
A bit off topic, but I am still impressed with how Apple managed to feature rather than apologize for the use of wires between the iPod and the headphones.

I would like to have been a fly on the wall during the undoubtedly heated discussions about how to make the headphones wireless. At some point I see the marketing people coming in with their renderings and animations, the sillhouettes dancing around and flailing about with their cords. Will Steve like it ??? What if he's in a foul mood and doesn't?? Oh dear oh dear.

Never mind that I've yet to see one person dancing with their iPods, and that the ads irritate me to the point of exasperation.
[quote author="bcarso"]A bit off topic, but I am still impressed with how Apple managed to feature rather than apologize for the use of wires between the iPod and the headphones.

I would like to have been a fly on the wall during the undoubtedly heated discussions about how to make the headphones wireless. At some point I see the marketing people coming in with their renderings and animations, the sillhouettes dancing around and flailing about with their cords. Will Steve like it ??? What if he's in a foul mood and doesn't?? Oh dear oh dear.

Never mind that I've yet to see one person dancing with their iPods, and that the ads irritate me to the point of exasperation.[/quote]

The only way I can possibly see iPod earbuds sounding WORSE is if they were made wireless/bluetooth.
Well it's never been about audio quality for them, that's for sure! Jobs must have concluded that a Bluetooth version made someone look to Borg Collective-ish. Or maybe it was just about the battery life on both ends.
Speaking about patents, interesting move here in Europe:[tt_news]=14964&cHash=dafeecff7b

(for those that can read Dutch... or pasted below to be pasted into some translator)
Europees patentbureau staakt uit protest tegen kwaliteit patenten
25 september 2008

Medewerkers van het Europese patentbureau (EPO) in Rijswijk, Berlijn, München en Wenen hebben het werk gedurende een dag neergelegd om in Brussel te protesteren over het gemak waarmee patenten worden uitgedeeld, volgens de stakers om maar zo veel mogelijk inkomsten binnen te halen. Dat zou de kwaliteit van de patenten zwaar ondermijnen. Ze vragen om meer tijd om patentaanvragen te beoordelen en kritischer te kunnen zijn.

De werkonderbreking was georganiseerd door de Suepo, de vakbond van de EPO, die al langere tijd klaagt over de situatie rondom de Europese patenten. De Suepo richt zijn pijlen op de organisatiestructuur van het bureau. Een bestuursraad, bestaande uit 34 afgevaardigden uit de Europese lidstaten overziet de EPO. De meesten van deze afgevaardigden vertegenwoordigen de landelijke patentbureaus. In een verklaring zegt de Suepo ronduit dat de het beleid van de bestuursraad de kwaliteit van de Europese patenten beschadigt: ‘Aangezien veel nationale bureaus financieel afhankelijk zijn van de vergoedingen uit het werk van de EPO, worden beslissingen van de Administrative Council beïnvloed door de belangen van de nationale bureaus en het verlangen om zo veel mogelijk patenten toe te wijzen.’

Volgens Suepo brachten de vergoedingen vorig jaar 600 miljoen euro in het laatje, waarvan de helft naar de nationale patentbureaus vloeide. Ook zou de raad de verwijzing naar nationale patentbureaus in de hand werken, zodat daar nog meer geld naartoe gaat. Dat druist in tegen het principe van een centraal Europees patent.

Ook hebben de werknemers geen vertrouwen in de staf van de EPO. Uit een onderzoek van afgelopen juni blijkt dat slechts 6 procent van de werknemers op de managementcapaciteiten van het bestuur vertrouwt. 9 procent gelooft dat de raad actief werkt aan het verbeteren van de patentkwaliteit.
[quote author="bcarso"]Well it's never been about audio quality for them, that's for sure! Jobs must have concluded that a Bluetooth version made someone look to Borg Collective-ish. Or maybe it was just about the battery life on both ends.[/quote]

In their defence, I have a first generation Ipod 10gig that STILL works and
the battery lasts about 1.5 hrs !!!
Had it since early 2004 and it is about 3 x louder than the newer ones, as I also
have a 30gig Ipod Photo model.

I recall that they got complaints about the early ones being able to be TOO loud !
Must have had a decent out amp in them, I had to build a small McCoy headphone
amp to get anywhere near the volume on the new one.

No, I don't "dance around" with it on either, but if you use 320 Kbps rate or just
full CD quality tracks, they sound pretty cool.

FWIW the volume out may indeed have a direct consequence to battery life. Not to mention hearing damage.

Patent trolls, are scary but a little like the major corporations building up thier war chest of patents for self defense.

Perhaps it would help if patents weren't transferrable like simple property. I have a number of patents but only control one. Perhaps making something like only 49% interest transferrable, or have the life of the patent drop in half, every time ownership is transferred.

I feel like the actual inventors are often the man in the middle of this game. My inventions certainly haven't made me any money, perhaps kept me employed a while longer. I'm not crying poor, just trying to offer some perspective from the trenches.
