I have some photosensitive board lying around and would like to give it a use.
But I'd rather not spend time/money makin/buying an UV box?
I read that exposing trough sunlight should be possible.
Is there anyone here that tried it ?
How do you decide what exposuretime to use ?
Is the exposuretime very important, I mean will a bit of overexposure give unusable results ?
btw: the pcb's I'd like to try are not complicated, thick lines, lots of space ...
But I'd rather not spend time/money makin/buying an UV box?
I read that exposing trough sunlight should be possible.
Is there anyone here that tried it ?
How do you decide what exposuretime to use ?
Is the exposuretime very important, I mean will a bit of overexposure give unusable results ?
btw: the pcb's I'd like to try are not complicated, thick lines, lots of space ...