I am amazed by all the interest here, thanks a lot ! Love this place and the debates / ideas, chiming in !
To tell you a bit more about what I have in mind : on another thread I showed interest in building an plate reverb (the old school EMT way)
I'm still investigating this, and really would like to try a pair of Audio Technica (entry level) audio cartridges (bang for the buck !) attached and decoupled to / from the metal structure, the stylus on the plate. Why ? I don't like piezo pickups (tone, mechanics, the vibrations they tame, the impedance) and I realized a phono cartridge might be a good candidate : 20hz - 20Khz response, fine dynamics, beautiful and delicate tone, and the list goes on. Vox even made some spring reverb with record pickup in some of their amp with the spring soldered to the stylus ! So why not ?
I'd like the freq response to be as flat / smooth as possible so I can have some room for hi / lo cut and EQing / gentle tone shaping, I am afraid RIAA would be too boomy and dark... but I'll have to do some trial & errors. Anyway I plan to EQ on the way in, and probably deess too, in my experience it can help a lot.
Back to electronics : so far I like the 5532 design because I have plenty, and it seems clean and not overly complicated to setup. The amplifier part will be a Class D mono 60W amp I have here, it doesn't have to be loud but I wanted it to have some kind of "autority" in the signal reproduction, and lots of headroom.
Next step is trying an repro amp with a cartridge on various surfaces / angles and if it sounds interesting or promising ... getting to the metal work.
While doing some Googling, I found this funny video :
Audio is out of phase (obv) and I don't know why he didnt try with other material than his little box, but you'll understand why it made me what to persue in that cartridge as contact mic way