buschfsu said:hello all,
i'd like to make my two channel unit for mastering purposes. i'd stick with dual mono but think that using stepped attenuators would be wise for the boost and cuts. can someone show me how to figure out the resistor values to give 1db per step? Last question is about the Q. i remember ian mentioning dropping from 1 to 0.6 i think. is it a huge effort to broaden the Q a bit more?
buschfsu said:Thanks ian.
Sounds like we are already at a Q of .3 based on the drawing board thread so thats where i want to be. I will jump the inductor and be set.
ilfungo said:Hi
I'm start to build a Stereo version of EQP1/MEQ5 (IAN pcb)
I want to use lorlin for frequency selections,
Can someone tell me if there is a connector to use for Grayhill substitution on PCB?
ilfungo said:Hi Ian
yes I'm talking about that PCB, but I want to use Lorlin Switch instead Grayhill
but I'm searching a pin's connector that can insert into Grayhill housing.
ruffrecords said:With 4 pole 3 way switches there is no reason in principle why you cannot make a stereo EQ. Just populate fewer positions. You could even use s 2 pole 6 way switch for a stereo mid. For the hi boost don't forget that the new MK2 PCB uses an inductor for this function so you need to connect to the appropriate LC combinations for the frequencies you choose.
troubleous said:Hello everybody!
It seems the Antek AN-05T240 is currently out of stock - can't find it second hand either.
Can anyone recommend a equivalent trafo to be used with Ian's tube gain make up?