Project Veritas Exposes Pfizer Executive Discussing Mutating Covid-19

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That is a steaming pile of a rebuttal. If, as this "fact check" states, those 61k excess deaths among young adults were caused by "the spread of the highly contagious delta and omicron variants" then where is the data supporting that claim? These variants were more contagious but less deadly (especially Omicron) than the original strain and early varuants.

Total Covid deaths (2019-2023) in the 18-49 age group are ~70k. With all of the fearmongering and desire to test everyone, how is it that somehow 61k Covid deaths in 2021 were missed?
According to the CDC there were about 26k Covid related deaths in the 15-44 age group in 2021.
I'm not saying all of the excess deaths are vaccine related, but this alternative explanation is weak. Who is doing root-cause analysis to understand this jump in mortality among the young?
Not to feed this, but an obvious cause of increased excess deaths during the pandemic was from delayed or ignored preventative medicine.

but y'all keep arguing.

Been saying that since the "3 weeks to bend the curve" got extended indefinitely. I was in CA at the time and my doc closed shop. Later had drive-by service in the parking lot and very limited service for some patients in an outdoor tent on a patio (no indoor service). This continued for over three years now. Below is an excerpt from an email he sent to patients Feb of this year.

"If the public health emergency does end in May 2023, we will resume indoor care by that time. Those of you who have requested continued outdoor care will have that, as long as we are allowed that option."

I lost all faith in this man in 2020. He was a decent doctor when he bought the practice from my original doc who retired sometime around 1998.
This is interesting because my doc or my kids’ doc never closed-shop or ever offered outdoor care; other than Covid-testing. Mine is through UC Davis Medical and my kids’ through Sutter Health.
This is interesting because my doc or my kids’ doc never closed-shop or ever offered outdoor care; other than Covid-testing. Mine is through UC Davis Medical and my kids’ through Sutter Health.
The SF Bay Area lost it's collective mind. I was shocked by how institutions, businesses, and otherwise intelligent people behaved. Government bad behavior was expected, but the number of people who not only went along with it, but ranted at anyone who dared question anything about it was enlightening to students of history. I now can understand how absolute despots have risen to power in otherwise sane societies.

My doc was always good about checking family history, doing tests, and not over-prescribing medication for common and simple problems. He helped me get my BP under control during a very stressful period and discovered my very low Vitamin D levels which were causing other problems. I don't know what happened to him. Was the CA law prohibiting medical disinformation at play? Was he simply reacting to his insane clientele (and possibly employees)? I'm no longer in CA, so it really has no bearing on my life now, but it still nags at me at times.
SF Bay Area is its own thing, for sure. Forget all politics, I could never-ever live there due to such a dense population; regardless of how much I was paid. Simply visiting can be stressful due to traffic and parking. I enjoy visiting So Cal much more.
SoCal as in the LA area? Or SD?
Either. Ventura, even better! I’m biased though… That’s where I grew-up. Heading there this weekend in fact! Requisite Audio is there now, I think over by the railroad tracks outside my old neighborhood and into the industrial warehouse area, but I’ve still never been by; even though I’d love to talk shop. Too rich for my blood!
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My wife’s sister lived in San Diego. We visited many years. She passed away 8 years ago. We now go to a small hotel on pacific beach in the winter occasionally and love it. People of all ages walk up and down the strand and seem to coexist with ease. Last year there was a guy with trump flags and hats and other conservative swag. I figured the teens and twenty year olds would have a fit but nobody seemed to care. The conservatives would buy hats and such and the libs just passed it by without comment. We all enjoyed the sun and ocean waves never to allow bs into our brains. Inland is to crowded but looking out at the ocean is a different experience.

WHO Now Says COVID Vaccines Not Recommended For Healthy Kids & Teens

Citation for post #53:
Yet another leading health institution has unveiled a significant Covid policy reversal this week... this time it's none other than the World Health Organization (WHO) saying something that might have gotten an individual suspended from social media or publicly "canceled" a mere one or two years ago.

It's unclear whether the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will follow in adapting its recommendations to this revised WHO policy, but what is clear is that those parents who remained skeptical of putting hastily developed "Authorized for Emergency Use" mRNA vaccines into their children have been clearly vindicated... and this time by no less than the WHO.
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Government here and their associated spit licks gave each other a big pat on the back for Irelands 90+% take up rate of vaccination for Covid ,
what does that say about us as a people now ?
Its says the government did a good job creating fear in the population ,by bombarding us with adverts payed for by the taxpayer and scaring people into getting vaccinated , it also says we as a people are disproportionately willing to believe any old bullshit they spin us , without properly questioning it .

The political situation here was already like a depthcharge in the water , the current administration holding onto power while public confidence turns further against them . The longer they leave this situation cook ,the more comes out about how Covid was mishandled , the more voters swing towards alternative options .
When all the cosy insider deals done by big business , politicians and their friends comes to light , the true extent of the scam will become apparent to all as the con men walk away from public life forever with their heads hung down in shame .

The boss of Irelands national virus reference laboraratory has quit another position relating to government contracts for smear testing here in recent days , he and the hospital involveds liscence to perform the testing has now been revoked , he's in even bigger shit when the covid turd finally passes ,
It will be a simple matter to look back over the lucrative contracts awarded during the pandemic and connect the dots back to the politicians and their friends cutting inside deals and getting very rich off it ,an 'Enema of the state' financially is what its amounted too .
Weve been lied to and ripped off .
I think posting directly from the source is better:
To me, nothing thing about that says parents who were skeptical have clearly been vindicated… But I suppose, to borrow John’s two-movies…
Really? Parents were coerced into giving unnecessary medical injections to their children so that they could return to school. Now the purveyors of "settled science" are quietly reversing course after the damage is done. Anyone could see from the 2020 data that, with the exception of a tiny population of children with pre-existing conditions that affect immune response, children and young adults had near zero risk of death or serious injury from Covid. The risk of myocarditis and other side-effects from the vaccine were and are much higher than from Covid in this age group. 100% vindicated.
Government here and their associated spit licks gave each other a big pat on the back for Irelands 90+% take up rate of vaccination for Covid ,
what does that say about us as a people now ?
Its says the government did a good job creating fear in the population ,by bombarding us with adverts payed for by the taxpayer and scaring people into getting vaccinated , it also says we as a people are disproportionately willing to believe any old bullshit they spin us , without properly questioning it .

The political situation here was already like a depthcharge in the water , the current administration holding onto power while public confidence turns further against them . The longer they leave this situation cook ,the more comes out about how Covid was mishandled , the more voters swing towards alternative options .
When all the cosy insider deals done by big business , politicians and their friends comes to light , the true extent of the scam will become apparent to all as the con men walk away from public life forever with their heads hung down in shame .

The boss of Irelands national virus reference laboraratory has quit another position relating to government contracts for smear testing here in recent days , he and the hospital involveds liscence to perform the testing has now been revoked , he's in even bigger shit when the covid turd finally passes ,
It will be a simple matter to look back over the lucrative contracts awarded during the pandemic and connect the dots back to the politicians and their friends cutting inside deals and getting very rich off it ,an 'Enema of the state' financially is what its amounted too .
Weve been lied to and ripped off .
I still see Pfizer vaccine ads on TV in the USA "to protect against the latest variants" or some such fear-ganda.
Pfizer ,
Its like that song from Liam Howlett and the Prodigy ,
They got the poison ,
They got the remedy ,
They got the pulsating rhythmical remedy ,

We all danced to this tune , now look at us , more divided than ever ,

Theres a mini rebellion going on here right now , the police are threatening a 'Blue Flu Day' during Bidens visit here , confidence within the force is at an all time low post Covid , the great and the good encouraged non judicious use of technology by the police and the state against the people , thats had a lasting impact on peoples lives ,both within the force itself and the people it had in its sights , it cost lives , now the Gardai are pissed off with having been duped into becoming secret police on behalf of a crooked broken system and they've lost face with the people there supposed to serve ,
they're now also at odds with their handlers it appears .
