The termination resistor in these Ampex machines is there only to make sure the VU-meter calibration is correct.
The output stage uses a negative feedback arrangement that compensates for any non-linearities in the transformer. However, it does not compensate for the resistive loss due to the secondary DCR. That's why the actual load must be close to 600 ohms.
VU-meter calibration is important because it's used for the machine alignment, but the less-than-1dB difference in level between loaded and unloaded is negligible in operation.
The output stage uses a negative feedback arrangement that compensates for any non-linearities in the transformer. However, it does not compensate for the resistive loss due to the secondary DCR. That's why the actual load must be close to 600 ohms.
VU-meter calibration is important because it's used for the machine alignment, but the less-than-1dB difference in level between loaded and unloaded is negligible in operation.