Patrick from Davis said:Abe, you mentioned previously in the thread when you were describing the manner in which this compresses things that there is a germanium diode in the signal path. I didn't see that in the Mouser Cart. The 1N5817 diode replaces the germanium OA47. But is there a noticeable difference between these two? I was curious about it because you implied that it might be a factor for why the behavior of this compressor is so unique/nice. Just curious about that.
Also, Somewhere you noted that the compressor doesn't use much power. I was looking around Mouser to see if there was anything that would do. Any hints? Do I want a center tap on the secondary? I don't have the boards yet, so some of this might be obvious upon examining them.
Finally, I went looking for some Cinemag transformers, and the part number on the BOM wasn't listed on their site under line input transformers. I am guessing that it is just the tail end of the part number that specifies the little things that is not there. Anyhow, if anyone has some guidance on what all that means, and how to go about obtaining them, I wouldn't mind some direction. The other two transformers for the side chain and the output as well. I can decipher power transformers on guitar tube amps, but these are new to me, and I'd like to get it right the first time.
Sorry for all of the questions, newbie or not, but I hope that this can be an answer one time correctly and move on type thing. Thanks again for all of the time putting this monster together.
prescott said:Is it possible to feed (somehow) a stereo pair from only 1 oscillator?
pyjaman said:are you sure they're not the monolytic and discrete oscilator boards ?
One question, by the way :
what specs should the interstage transformer exhibit ( input impédance, expected max input level ) ?
Would, for example a mic input transformer work ?
Thanks !
Patrick from Davis said:More questions. I looked at the circuit layout that is in the first page (Reply #16), and the power in is, 16V. There is a bridge rectifier so I guess that it is just a 115/230V to 16 transformer. The image of the circuit board layout says 24V. So that has me a bit confused. Either way a small power transformer for this looks like it is $10-12 at Mouser.
The oscillator boards have four holes that seem to be to connect them to the main board. Are there supposed to be pins, similar to the pins Jeff sells for the 2520 DOA, and sockets for these? It'd be kind of cool, probably overkill, but cool anyways. Okay, if anyone has tips, thanks in advance.
prescott said:I've found a site, they use something else for the oscillator:
Maybe this can be an option...
BTW, is there an estimated date for the second run to be shipped?