Since the boards arrived, I started to collect items in my BOM and I have few questions.
1. to repeat what Biasrocks previously asked... any info on T3 for discrete board?
2. I'm confused with R38... in the
original schematic this is a 100R resistor. Abe listed it as an inductor with value 12 uH in the BOM1, and on some previous pages here Abe mentioned to use 120R as a sub for L1 and L2. This is what confuses me - what is L2? It's not on the board (maybe I'm not looking for it carefully enough), it's not in the BOM1. Is this R38 with original value 12 uH? Can I sub it for 10uH inductor (12uH is not available in local shops)?
3. Is there any special reason that in BOM1 capacitor C38 has value 0.1uF and it's not listed along C11 and C13 that have value 100nF. This is the same value and same footprint cap! 100nF=0.1uF. Is it maybe some different voltage rating or something else different in between those caps?
4. Tantalum C27... is voltage rating of 16V enough or it should be 25V...or more?
5. Transistors TR18 & TR16... any preference between BC560A and 2N3906 or I just grab what I have first around?
6. Can I use any other input transformer other than Cinemag? Cinemags are expensive in europe (especially here in Croatia!) cause shipping from US can kill!
7. Output transformer is wired from output XLR (U4) label on board, right? This U4 is unbalanced out?