Hello there
I am building the PYE with the AC Sound Pi-3141.
I have a bag of PNP Transistors - 2N1132 and I was wondering if that would be a valuable substitute to the BC560C.
I looked up the specs and they seem very close - the only big difference in numbers I see is :
Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min: 30 for the 2N1132 while the BC560C has Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min: 420
I apologize for my ignorance but is that a big factor?
In the BOM each BC560C has a different suggested replacement depending if they are TR1 or TR10.... and some just don't have any suggestion for substitutes....
Here is the complete datas for the 2N1132:
2N1132 Transistor Datasheet. Parameters and Characteristics.
Type Designator: 2N1132
Material of transistor: Si
Polarity: PNP
Maximum collector power dissipation (Pc), W: 0.6
Maximum collector-base voltage |Ucb|, V: 60
Maximum collector-emitter voltage |Uce|, V: 40
Maximum emitter-base voltage |Ueb|, V: 5
Maximum collector current |Ic max|, A: 0.6
Maksimalna temperatura (Tj), °C: 175
Transition frequency (ft), MHz: 60
Collector capacitance (Cc), pF: 45
Forward current transfer ratio (hFE), min: 30
Noise Figure, dB: -
Package of 2N1132 transistor: TO5