Some things to mention:
- I ve used a cheap 8 Pole Relayboard, triggervoltage is switched on one pole of the Lorlin 4P3T for Bypass/On/Off, Powersupply L/N on two other poles - the current is very low, far under the "allowed" 150 mA for Lorlins, the LM337 stay also nearly cold
-I am using for as TR11 Fairchilds 2N3640 from an Italian electronic shop in Roma, real "Bellas"
-My PSU Voltage for the boards is -20,0V DC, the first thing I ve adjusted / with VR1 Trimmer, measured between the B+/B- Pads, my Powersupply is a 24V AC Terroid (12V+12V) with 1A from Triad
-then I adjusted the Oszilators to about 250kHz with my cheap Multimeter, it was total easy, look at my pictures, take the Ground/Mass and the left lower Pin and adjust with the Oszillator-onboard Trimmer to 250kHz, no problem with this adjustment
-set the unitiy gain, I recommend to install pinholders for TR11- taken from a cheap IC Socket and soldered these pinholder directly on the boards, you need to remove TR11 to do that calibration and so its much easier doing that, then I adjusted the Input and Gainpots to 12 o'clock, insert a voltage of about 0dB 0,775V 1khz Sine, measure between pin 2+3 XLR on In and Out Connections , and adjusted with R23 till unity gain on the Output 2+3 XLR Pins, like in Abes build notes,
-R44 500k was set to about 220k before soldering - set, solder and forget...
-as for the starting point of the threshold I did the same as mentioned in Abes Pye build notes, Inputpot fully clockwise, added a 1khz Sine with about 0.049V AC measured between Pin2+3 on Input Conections,
Then set the Multimeter to DC, measure on the right end of R50 / Square-solderpad - in my case I measured about -0,82V DC, turning the R52 Trimmer shows after a few turns a point, where the Voltage started to drop from this -0,82V DC, also my used Gainreduction SSL Clone 8027 Meters from Franks made a small move up and start at this point to rise, I set this Voltagedrop only minimal to about -0,80V DC as starting point on both Channels, then I set the Meter-Zere through adding/soldering a second 220 Ohm resistor in parallel over the R67 1K Ohm. It is also possible that you need another Value for R67 to get the "Zero" like a 300 Ohm .... You also can add here Pinholders and play around with other resistor, or a Trimmer.....
For R48 I did not change the standard 1K5 Resistor from the BOM, after a minimal of bit mechanical zero with the screw on the meters I really got the "0"
-then I increased the signallevel "external" on the signalgenerator without changing any Input-Pot to -4dBu to about 0,49 V AC - measured on Pin 2+3 Input XLR Connection -> that means +20dB increasment from -24dBu to -4dBu, checked a 4:1 Ratio on the frontpanel and then adjusted with the R42 Trimmer a Gainreduction of about -15dB shown on the GR-Meters, then rechecked the Gainreduction with 3:1 Ratio to about -13db shown on the Meters and readjusted a little bit with R42 Trimmer if necessary, on 2:1 to about -10dB Gainreduction on the meters and readjusted...repeat all more times...., its a compromise between all ratios and both channels, I set this adjustments as good as possible and it works pretty very well,....

-> the calbration is similar to Fet 1176 Comps
That's it