QuantAsylum QA400 Audio analyser

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I tried looping for a while and then calibrating but it still crashed. So I upgraded to the beta software, repeated the exercise and voila! I have a spectrum!!!!



I'm running on XP, so maybe that's the difference.  It does seem like they don't have the bugs worked out yet, but I suppose that's to be expected from the first release.
I hate to be that guy, but I really wouldn't be surprised if vista was causing the problems.

XP is so much better. Or if you can, win 7 64 bit. Vista has never been anything but unstable for me on any build.
Just wanted to say that I've got my front-end for this up and running from the bench power supply.  I don't have an enclosure, yet;  ordered one a few weeks ago but the company screwed up, so it'll get here later in the week.  All of the functionality seems to work correctly.  Noise and THD@1kHz are both somewhere below -90dBV.  I expect this will improve a little once I get it in a box with its own power supply, as there's a good amount of 60Hz hum showing up.  At the least, this will be good enough for me until I'm clever enough to come up with something better.  I've attached a picture and the schematic I ended up with.

A few more thoughts on the unit:
The software is rather buggy, still.  I noticed today that the display seems to have incorrect peak dB values when both the left and the right channels are running;  it looks like the software just uses the left channel's peak dB value for both.  Also, it seems like one has to be careful of how one quits the program.  Closing the window (via the little "x" in the top right corner) leaves the hardware unit with its link and run lights on, and it's only possible to turn them off by opening the program again, starting and then stopping the signal generators.  This isn't a problem if one quits the program via the file menu.  Strange stuff...

The program's controls don't feel very responsive, but that's likely the fault of my antique Windows XP machine.

The QA400 is going to struggle for THD measurements at higher frequencies, as the noise floor rises rather sharply above 20kHz.  I can post some screen captures, if anyone's interested.

It also looks like there's a little bit of crosstalk in the box.  Even with nothing plugged into the input, the unit still sees the signal generator's output.  This is at a fairly low level, though.  I can find the exact dB number if anyone wants me to.

On the positive side, it seems like most of the problems (except the last two) are in the software, and that the company is working on improving that.

Despite these quibbles, this seems quite a few steps ahead of anything else out there for $200!


  • qa400_frontend_on_bench.JPG
    95.3 KB · Views: 88
Cracking stuff. I will definitely be in for an interface PCB.

You are right about quirky software - on Vista mine would not work at all on the stock SW release but is fine on the beta so this is clearly an ongoing development. They do seem to be approachable which is a point in their favour.


I was thinking about that, actually--I'm still a bit of a novice at this, so I wonder if anyone would want to collaborate on putting together a pcb?  The layout I'm using for this first one seems to work ok, but it's not ideal.  Since I made it to be easy for me to etch, it's single sided with lots of jumpers and wasted space.  I'm willing to take on the bulk of the work to make a pcb fit for public consumption, but it'd be great if someone else was willing to help test & make sure everything is sensible.

If anyone's up for it, please shoot me a PM.
ian, i second the heads up on vista instability, ive had nothing but problems with vista, so much so that i had to revert bak to xp.
i havent tried 7 yet but ive heard its a lot more stable thn vista.
anyway another nice thread and another item to add to my to buy list.
Received my QA400; been fighting for three days to try to make it work. I have reloaded the software (alternating between original and beta) to no avail. Both versions have their own problems, which makes the unit utterly unusable for me. Biiiig disappointment...
And no answer from QA, either from the forum or via support...
abbey road d enfer said:
Received my QA400; been fighting for three days to try to make it work. I have reloaded the software (alternating between original and beta) to no avail. Both versions have their own problems, which makes the unit utterly unusable for me. Biiiig disappointment...
And no answer from QA, either from the forum or via support...
What Operating System are you using?

I don't think ANY sound software works properly on Vista.
Sorry to hear that!  Not totally surprised, though - they definitely don't have the bugs worked out yet.

What sorts of problems are you finding?
ricardo said:
abbey road d enfer said:
Received my QA400; been fighting for three days to try to make it work. I have reloaded the software (alternating between original and beta) to no avail. Both versions have their own problems, which makes the unit utterly unusable for me. Biiiig disappointment...
And no answer from QA, either from the forum or via support...
What Operating System are you using?

I don't think ANY sound software works properly on Vista.
Just as Winston Churchill would carefully avoid sports, I have carefully avoided Vista.
My notebook runs on 7.
dfuruta said:
Sorry to hear that!  Not totally surprised, though - they definitely don't have the bugs worked out yet.

What sorts of problems are you finding?
Calibration problems: Fail #1, for what it means, but I can see that the input clip indicator lights at each measurement although the signal is is the nominal range. I have to pad the signal by 20dB+ to avoid clipping.
When making a measurement, there is no graph, although there's signal; at each measurement, the Drop light lits.
Weird.  I'm surprised the support isn't being responsive.  They got back to me promptly.

Keep us posted!
OK, I've got the little bugger working, more or less, I would say rather less than more.
I can make it work only at 48kHz, no 192, which is a deal-breaker for me, since I want to be able to measure at least up to 60kHz.
I would have expected some indication from the software that the interface was not responding...
The software...I guess these guys have never seen an AP screen in their life.
When I do a frequency response in loop-back mode, I expect the graph to be more or less positioned at 0 dB. No, you get an FFT screen, with the level between -40 and -80 (depending on the FFT size), which is mathematically correct, but just not what an audio guy wants. In FR mode, the scale should be offset according to FFT size. The procedure is in the manual, but it is unduly complicated; it should be done automatically.
Of course, there is nothing like a standard sweep available, frequency response test is done in FFT, with a modified Dirac as stimulus, which is not what you want for testing a power amp.
BTW, I haven't seen a hint of phase measurement.
The marketing blurb says that it is easy to program the unit to make sweeps and repetitive tests, but when you read the posts on the forum, you learn that the programming language is not available yet.
Marketing also says that third-party applications may be run on the hardware, but again, the forum says it ain't so.
They say they don't have enough resources and want to concentrate on the  very important features, like allowing SPL measurement via a calibrated mic. First, I think this is not such a time consuming task, second, I consider this functionality as secondary to providing the possibility to create sweeps.
I'm disappointed and I feel cheated, so my QA400 is available for sale at cost ($213). Anyone interested PM me.
[rant] They didn't even deign to answer my questions. It's their company, their products, they do what they want, but I'm not gonna blow their horn. [/rant]
Now I have to find a nice USB souncard on which I'll run RMAA, AUDME or SigView.