Well, we're talking taste here. I just think if you want one enough to consider the clone proposition, you need the identical transformers for it to really sound the same, so you might as well look for a real one and refurb. it since they're not at crazy prices yet. Far easier than starting from scratch unless you have a ton of time and no $. I never have any time, personally, not that I ever have any $ either. Or clone if you really want the best possible stereo pair match, which would be difficult with original units.
I used the two I had continuously on a CD project for a paying client as a way to listen to them and burn them in, and I never found a reason NOT to use them, and I have plenty of other choices. Why did I sell them? I'm trying to consciously limit the # of limiters I own that require 6386's. Plus, I've modded every tube limiter I have to get expanded attack, release, and ratio settings that never existed on the stock units. This gives me the ability to own fewer of them since they cross over into one another's territory more than before.