CM-9589 is for cap feed, so no DC = no gap, plus Ni will not take AC and DC,
99366 listed as butt stacked = DC but no ratio shown at CineMag site
Larry was taking measurements with the pot on and the pot off, thus the v-v readings,
questions on data: flickr pics show 114 VDC on pri to gnd, should be lower,
i get 172 minus 16.35 VDC = 156 (first data post) on the tube plates/pri wire,
172 minus 114 = 58 volts DC across pri, if tubes draw 16 ma, DCR would be 58/.016= 3600 ohms,
that is too high, i like 16.35/.016= 1 k ohms better.
if i use data from Larry's first measurements, i get 9.8 vac/5.3 vac = 1.85:1 turns ratio
this would be 3.42:1 Z ratio, so 3.42 * 600 = 2 k pri Z.
if i use the flickr ac volts on sec, i get 9.8 vac/3.058 vac = 3.2 turns ratio
this = 10:1 z ratio , 10 * 600 = 6 k pri z,
quite a difference from 2 k to 10 k, could Larry please do the pri AC and sec AC measurements again?
also measure the xfmr core height and width, from the pics of the xfmr next to the tube i bet on 87 EI (7/8" tongue, 2 & 5/8 inch by 2 & 3/16 inch) maybe 75 EI which would be smaller,
if 20 henries on the sec, that would make 68 henries on the pri if we use the 1.85:1 ratio, bandwidth specs would seem to indicate a lower ratio,
5 volts out is about 16 db, which is what they claim, so my $$$ is on the 1.85:1 ratio,
if Larry could break the pri xfmr wire and insert his AC amp meter and pump in a 1 k hz tone, he could measure AC current, then we would have turns ratio and inductance, measure the AC volts across the pri also, XL @ 1 k hz is what we are after, XL = VAC pri/I-AC pri,
if we have the lams figured then we know the turns count to get that inductance, with the gap of course,
that is steel core, a gap reduces perm of Ni and steel down to about the same figure, 200-300 range, so no use in using Ni plus steel takes 18 k gauss and Ni only 5 k gauss, so steel is the lam of choice here.
strange that they use 2 cathode resistors with the cathodes wired in parallel, but the amp factor of 5.3 vac/.775 = 6.8 seems right for 1 tube stage, not 2 in series,
i can wind this guy on a stack of 75 EI and try it out with a 6DJ8, then offer it to interested DIY'ers, jus sayin...