Reverse Financed Internship???

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
Just heard about this from an old colleague in the consulting world. It was in a job advert for a data analyst in New York and I quote " This is a reverse financed internship so you will pay $15/hr to work here".

I could do with a couple of those to help me build tube mixers. Any takers?


ruffrecords said:
Just heard about this from an old colleague in the consulting world. It was in a job advert for a data analyst in New York and I quote " This is a reverse financed internship so you will pay $15/hr to work here".

I could do with a couple of those to help me build tube mixers. Any takers?


Probably needed to fund negative interest rates...

ruffrecords said:
Just heard about this from an old colleague in the consulting world. It was in a job advert for a data analyst in New York and I quote " This is a reverse financed internship so you will pay $15/hr to work here".

I could do with a couple of those to help me build tube mixers. Any takers?



I've heard of working for free, but paying to work at a place is a whole other level...
I've made it a rule that we never hire interns. We will pay them something for everything they do. Any sort of knowledge acquired is a bonus to being paid to work. 
jensenmann said:
That´s how it used to be in the middle ages. It´s a good sign for the direction our society develops to.
The middle ages was a long time ago so my memory is a little fuzzy, but the "craft guilds" were effectively monopolies to control competition. They weren't called interns but apprenticeships and it could take years to advance in that system. 

From time to time there have been news stories about about abuse of free internships by high profile artists/talent. I guess abuses by low profile employers wouldn't be news.

Pay peanuts ,you get monkeys ,
If you wont even pay peanuts , imagine what your going to get .
'Internships' sounds a bit like internment ,  and the Monika Lewinsky debacle springs to mind .
I did an apprenticeship type thing in one place way back , no real pay to speak of , I did get a place to stay and was able to sign on the unemployment ,even though  initially the social welfare didnt pay out , I sucessfully argued the case that I was available for work in my chosen field if it became available , and was in fact increasing my chances of work by getting real world experience.  My dad bank rolled me for the duration and I collected my social welfare entitlement subsequently, fully back dated.

Maybe on a short term basis , in order to select the best candidate from a group, a low paid scheme might work , but over the longer term working for free or worse where the trainee pays ends up in a lack of respect on both sides of the equation. Last straw for me was taking a bollocking in front of customers from the studio owners wife ( who also controlled the purse strings) over a tin opener that had simply worn out .
Despite what some here may think  :) , I'm of a fairly reserved temperament  ,  really does take effort to get on my goat , very few do ,those who manage it will swear the devil himself has appeared in front of them  :mad:

Ive been a bit distant here of late , no need to read anything into that , its a purely technical issue which I will hopefully resolve very soon ,

Differences of opinion with intelligent people are something to learn from , differences of opinion with dim wits are often best left unsaid  ;)

Hey Daíthí,
good luck with the technical issues (having them myself after spilling a cuppa on my Macbook Pro) and good to know you're still around and doing OK. 

On paying to be an apprentice:  I suppose if one were to be studying under a real artisan or some such, I could see it as a viable alternative to Uni in some fields:-    Master Watchmaker under the late George Daniels or Roger Smith for instance. 

But as a data analyst?  Not so sure about that.

Although I could see Trump trying something like that to help pay off his $1 Billion debt soon enough.
As it happens, Nigel Farage is now offering something similar to learn "trading".  This despite him losing lots of other people's money when he was a metals trader due to being "drunk on the job" for which he was fired.

There are suckers born every day I guess. 
