RF's synth modules

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2004
Atlanta, GA
sorry to hijack, but...

rf, I've been wanting to ask you for awhile about the synths you've built... I want to mess around with building synth modules, I don't really know a lot about them but I'd like to learn. Do you have any good resources for it?
lots of synth DIY out there. here's a site i like, has info for a steiner filter i want to build.

The Stiener-Parker Synthacon is a great filter, very simple to build too.

Ken Stones webpage is a great source of information and PCBs, but if you do not already have a modular going alot of his moduals are of no use. a good chunck of his moduals are for controling and altering control signals. If you are going to make anything of his go for the PCBs he sells, they are great quality and cheap.

The Synth-Diy mailing list is a very good source for information, despite the incredably out of date webpage

PAiA is a good source for kits, their 9700 modular would give a very good base for a modular synth

Blacet is also a good place for kits, abit more exotic then paia, but nothing to odd really

If you got some money to spend you can check out MOTM at www.synthtech.com. But it is a small operation so there can be some wait time on orders.

If you want to just build from scratch try www.musicsynthesizer.com for a nice list of links of various pages dealing with building synths.

try these links

EMF.. great modules.. i have a few myself.... http://www.ele4music.com/

Good links page http://www.modulus-music.com/links/

more: http://www.wiseguysynth.com/larry/default.htm

that should help
Just click on the AGONIZER and read the whole article.
It is unbelivable. :green: :twisted: :green:
It gave me a good laugh.

My favorite:
"Specifications: HA HA HA HA. Even after you got teeth marks all over your johnson, you STILL wanna see "specifications"??" :green:


"this is how to buy one (you disgusting pervert!!!) " :green:

[quote author="tmbg"]sorry to hijack, but...

rf, I've been wanting to ask you for awhile about the synths you've built... I want to mess around with building synth modules, I don't really know a lot about them but I'd like to learn. Do you have any good resources for it?[/quote]

Man, i cant get enough of


Ray has lots of circuits (some are pretty easy for us beginners)........and he offers some pcb's (but not kits, just the boards).

The best qualities are normally said to be:

MOTM (link above)

Oakley: www.oakleysound.co.uk

Oakley sells PCB's but no kits. I have built all oakley modules, including the standalone projects, and the quality of the designs are fantastic!!!

Cheapest way to get a system running (kit or PCB's for complete modular with loads of toys):

I built an ASM-1 and can vouch for it's quality. Laurie (the lady who sells the kits) is extraordinarily helpful and offers great support for her kits. I also shoved an Electronics For Music RXCV Pro Midi interface in there, although the quality of the kit is beyond question, I gotta say they weren't as helpful (missing parts, didn't answer emails, etc.)...

The ASM-1 sounds amazing and it's a great first kit. I'm sure the ASM-2 is just as awesome.

[quote author="alk509"]I built an ASM-1 and can vouch for it's quality. Laurie (the lady who sells the kits) is extraordinarily helpful and offers great support for her kits. I also shoved an Electronics For Music RXCV Pro Midi interface in there, although the quality of the kit is beyond question, I gotta say they weren't as helpful (missing parts, didn't answer emails, etc.)...

The ASM-1 sounds amazing and it's a great first kit. I'm sure the ASM-2 is just as awesome.


Hey al,
i am thinking about building the asm-2.......thanks for pointing it out. about how much would you say the parts run you (minus the enclosure)?

I think you can buy it as a kit, with everything except what is on the frontapnel. Just take that prica and add the cost for the potentiometers and as many jack sockets you want.

[quote author="lanxe"]about how much would you say the parts run you (minus the enclosure)?[/quote]

It comes as a kit - every PCB component is included.

You do have to provide your own PSU, power transformer, wiring, pots, patch jacks and cables, enclosure, knobs, front panel, etc... The synth is very flexible in terms of how you hook it up, so parts can run real low or real high, depending on how you set it up...

You may also want to put a MIDI-to-CV interface in there... In fact, I strongly suggest you do, for obvious reasons.

I put mine in a 6U rack box, with every possible connection brought out to the front panel - as close to fully modular as you can get, without actually having each module physically separated.

If I had to do it over, I'd add a simple 4-to-1 mixer, a ring modulator (which I think the ASM-2 has), a sub-octave oscillator, and some DC offset pots (a 1M pot between the -15V and 15V power rails, with the wiper brought to a jack in the front panel, to be able to provide a DC offset for CVs).

Even with a 6U box, I had to cut some corners to fit everything I needed in the front panel: the MIDI-to-CV jacks are spaced closer together than the rest of the pots and jacks in the panel, there's only one gate input to trigger both EG's, and the power switch is in the back. Also, there's no way I could've fitted the extras I wanted on this panel!

Here's my baby:


All in all, I seem to remember the whole thing set me back about eight-or-nine hundred dollars.

[quote author="robomatique"]I think you can buy it as a kit, with everything except what is on the frontapnel. Just take that prica and add the cost for the potentiometers and as many jack sockets you want.


Yeah, i just saw the kit option.......I wonder what the mark up is on that.....still not too bad of a price to save me the hassle of looking up parts on mouser/digikey

Thanks Robert,

Here are mine:


And some modules not mounted:

[quote author="rf"]Nice synth! Is the lettereing engraved?[/quote]

No, it's that Lazertran stuff, baked in the oven. It looks and feels like silkscreening!

[quote author="rf"]Here's a pic of mine[/quote]

Beautiful! :thumb:

[quote author="robomatique"]Here are mine[/quote]

Oh, man! I've heard really good things about those Oakley modules... I'm guessing you like them too, since you have a bunch of them! :grin:

Hey Roger, Al, Robert and Ryan
You all have some very nice costructions. Synthesizers are my first love and hope some day to build some synth related stuff.


P.S. Al, I read in your profile that your profession is palm reader. Now that explains from where is the money for your projects.
[quote author="chrissugar"]Al, I read in your profile that your profession is palm reader. Now that explains from where is the money for your projects.[/quote]

Heh! I don't remember putting that in there! Must've been drunk...
