There was a televised session from Leinster house today from 26th Nov , a committe meeting between the office of the data protection comissioner and various TD's , one of the main issues they were dealing with was data harvesting from phone mobile apps , voice in particular , it really should be no surprise to anyone who uses a smart phone to find out your general conversations could be logged and processed , converted to text ,then used as a basis to advertise to you via online apps advertising spaces , it listens ,it processes and it learns your preferences , and taps the conversation for key words and serves you up smorgasborg of what your after at any particular point in time , I've spoken to more and more people now that are aware of it happening , I dont have a mobile or smart phone ,but if I did and I felt it looping itself into my conciousness I'd bounce it off fecking the wall , its a social engineering experiment ,tantamount to slavery once the loop is closed . The government appeared like it had its head up its ass with regards our data protection in front of the comittee, its basically left the big internet giants do anything they want with your data , Borris is the exact same ,promising US marketing interests access to the data of the population .
What kind of odds do you reckon Id get if I walked into Paddy Powers and asked for a price on a hung parliment in the UK after the election ? If you know your customers ,and a population is roughly 50/50 conservative/ liberal ,north /south or what ever the divide ,it only takes a tiny sway vote to carry off a silent coup , the likes of cambridge analytica can pay the advertisers and 'click bait' the marginal voters , democracy is being made a mockery of by it .