Rode NT5 / NT55 & Oktava MK-012 Adapter

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Aug 19, 2023

there is some dicussion about an adapter for the rode sdc's (NT5 and NT55) to use an Oktava MK-12 capsule with them.ür-nt5-nt55-besitzer/
Are these adapter still available somewhere and do you have some experience with them? Do you get the best of both worlds? The low noise from the Rodes and die frequenzy response from the Oktavas?


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From what I can tell it's just simple thread adapter with a contact pin. I don't know if you'll actually see any improvement though. I believe the NT55 preamp still has 15-16 dB of self noise, I'm assuming that preamp also doesn't do anything funky with polarization so you should expect similar output (the MK-012 has a sensitivity of 10mV/Pa). Granted, those adapters are only like $5-10, so it's not a bad way to add a hypercardioid if you already have the Rode mics (also the Oktava cardioid capsule is noticeably tighter than Rode's). I assume handling noise is quite similar too because there's nothing shock mounting the capsule. So still expect to use an expensive shockmount if you boom with it, but if you're doing any location work like that a good pole and shockmount is a must anyway.

Do keep in mind that the MK-012 hypercardioid capsule does seem to approach wide cardioid around 8K. I don't know if the 4 and 8K responses are due to a design flaw or if Oktava is just honest with their measurements (as many mics are described by their pattern at around 1K). I don't find the MK-012s to be noticeably wider than my other hypercardioids, but I use Sennheisers and Audio Technicas too and don't currently have access to a Schoeps MK41, the "industry standard" for dialogue.

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I would research the capsule charge voltage difference
According to this german thread, it probably works. The capsule charge voltage should not be a problem.ür-nt5-nt55-besitzer/Quote: "Yes, since the impedance converter circuit of most cheaper [sdc's] is a cribbed old German circuit, there is often only a mechanical but not an electronic problem."

I have a few of the rode nt5 mics (I got them cheap in the bay) but I don't like their harsh highs and they have little in the middle and low frequency range. On the other hand the Oktava have a silky top end (compared to the rodes) and balanced mids and lows but their self noise is in an unbearable range. The oktava capsules can be purchased individually and some of the Oktava MK-012 sets included two or three capsules (omni, cardioid, supercardioid) so you get a capsule surplus anyway.

Does anyone know where and if you can still buy these adapters?
The reason I posted about the voltage is the 012 supplies the capsule with under the phantom voltage (phantom is not always 48VDC it can vary up and down a little)
I don't know the capsule voltage of the NT5 but one way to increase S/N is the increase the capsule voltage.
Just chiming in to say that the Oktava MK-012 capsules are very very good. On acoustic instruments, close mic'd (8-10") they are pretty much identical to a KM84. Yes, I did the tests and have files to back up that claim. I'm not entirely sure if it was luck or skill that got them to produce such a good sounding SDC. Note: off axis on the MK-012 is not nearly as nice as a KM84. The KM84 seems to be a pretty wide cardioid over most of the frequency range. The MK-012 gets a little nasty sounding too far off axis. But, as I said, on an acoustic guitar or mandolin, nothing beats it.
Just chiming in to say that the Oktava MK-012 capsules are very very good. On acoustic instruments, close mic'd (8-10") they are pretty much identical to a KM84. Yes, I did the tests and have files to back up that claim. I'm not entirely sure if it was luck or skill that got them to produce such a good sounding SDC. Note: off axis on the MK-012 is not nearly as nice as a KM84. The KM84 seems to be a pretty wide cardioid over most of the frequency range. The MK-012 gets a little nasty sounding too far off axis. But, as I said, on an acoustic guitar or mandolin, nothing beats it.
I always thought it would be fun to try to fit a km84 circuit inside an MK-012 preamp body, but I never got around to trying. If the 603 adaptor materializes, there's always this option: MXL 603 -> KM84 Replacement PCB
There’s also the UP-012 body with more/better controls. The pair I have sound good.
I always thought it would be fun to try to fit a km84 circuit inside an MK-012 preamp body, but I never got around to trying. If the 603 adaptor materializes, there's always this option: MXL 603 -> KM84 Replacement PCB
This is what I replaced the original circuit with (Nelson Pass B1 Buffer). I just put appropriate capsule interface parts before the FETs (and dispensed with the volume control etc., of course).


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