Totally agree.. There can be a lot of looseness around parts quality.. Hell, I think some passives are essentially free! and the most expensive thing is the one you pay nothing for..

On the other side. They can build you some outstanding products if they're well specified and you're willing to pay for it.
I'm cheap but I have typically been willing to pay a penny here or there for better quality components based on experience. Back in the 70s I was impressed by Rohm carbon film resistors that could just about turn red hot and return close to their original resistance value (I know not a fair criteria). I was happy to find that Peavey was already using Rohm resistors, but finally in the late 90s near the end of my time there, they got replaced by a cheaper vendor.
Peavey corporate cost saving suggestion programs caused an incessant parade of buyers in purchasing trying to get engineering to approve specifying in a new vendor to save a fraction of a penny each. When using millions (actually more?) each month it adds up. I insisted on a substantial factory test of the new resistors and the factory blessed them so I demurred.
Back on topic of repairing gear without schematics my sweet (20 years older than me and now RIP) neighbor from across the street, had a battery powered mobility scooter that was constantly breaking down. Even worse he would try to fix it

himself first. I was able to find documentation for several versions of the scooter when it broke, one time I had to repair the battery charger that was not charging. The scooter was perhaps copied from a credible original western design, the battery charger not so much, at least not a good copy that used dodgy components.
These things are not rocket science and I figured out the basic circuit. The fault turned out to be caused by a bad 1/4W carbon film resistor that measured nowhere remotely close to its marked resistance. I didn't have the exact resistor value in my spare parts bin, but had one that was within about 20%. I don't recall if the resistance was high or low, but it was close enough to get the battery charger circuit working adequately again.

I miss that neighbor, but don't miss having to repair his mobility scooter every several months or so.