Glad someone's messing with this!
You have to visualize or reference
the NetEQ architecture (thanks
@peterc ) while you use it, knowing that an actual application would use those Q, frequency, and gain pots instead of the fixed values presented. As D noted elsewhere, Harpo's simplification of Porter's non-inverting attenuator at the mix amp produces the same results, and a simple resistor from NI input to ground is representative of that.
The generic approach in the sim is inclusive of NetEQ variants that use switched resistors for frequency and Q selection, and eschew the center tapped cut/boost scheme in favor of cut- or boost-only stepped gain. My application is all CMOS switching, so shelving transformations exclusively involve changes at op amp inputs to avoid loading mux and SPST drains, and cut/boost can only be done at the inverting inputs of the cut and boost amps themselves.