Should I sell this??

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
the Netherlands
Well, title says all...

It's the blue thing ... more info here >

I've about 2000 euro of parts in there, probably more (not kidding!) and I really don't know what price tag to put on this or if there even are people remotely interested in this thing.

I consider it a prototype but it has worked flawless for 4 years now. 
Also, I'm not really in need of the money but since this might take a while...;-) Reason is that I just don't use it to it's full potential.
All I'm using is 2 stereo inputs and maybe 1 insert on the master. Now if you've read the thread above you'll know what this thing is capable of ...
Do you need to save space? It looks very flexible and leaves room for expansion.

It's a work of art.. I would keep it forever if it worked well.

The only reason I would sell it is if I needed to travel. Then there are cheaper smaller alternatives.
buildafriend said:
Do you need to save space? It looks very flexible and leaves room for expansion.

It's a work of art.. I would keep it forever if it worked well.

The only reason I would sell it is if I needed to travel. Then there are cheaper smaller alternatives.

Thanks for the response!
No need to save space...only reason would be that I don't use it as meant. And yes, I probably should keep it forever...
OTOH, if someone else will be very happy with this and use more than I do ....

Undecided :-/
So, did you stop using it as much as you used to or it was initially built well above your requirements?

It's a beautiful piece of gear  :)
warpie said:
So, did you stop using it as much as you used to or it was initially built well above your requirements?

It's a beautiful piece of gear  :)

Thanks for the kind words!
Right now, I basically use it as a glorified monitor controller so yes, it's above my requirements.

I had my ideas when designing this mixer but you tend to add things just because you can ;-) For example, so far..I have never used the Dry/Wet controls on the two sub buses, nor did I use the M/S capabilities on the master channel.

The mono button on the monitor section gets by far the most use LOL.

I see. I know exactly what you mean about "tending to add things just because you can"  :)

Dry/Wet option sounds really cool for some parallel compression on the drum's group for example.
If I had the money and the need for it I would make you regretting selling this  ;D

"The mono button on the monitor section gets by far the most use LOL."
Haha, that's the way to go!
You seem to want it badly yet you want me to just hand it over ;-).

Just a hypothetical question: Would you be willing to pay 2000 euro (parts costs) for such a thing? Maybe you should google for things like: custom made mastering console ...just to get an idea how much those go for.
Not saying this is a mastering console, well it kinda is actually. There are only a little too much opamps in the signal path (shortest routing has 5) , but not a huge lot and all are very good quality :)
Basically, you should see this as a 20 channel active summer, with a mastering console attached to it. It has a insert switching matrix comparable to the manley backbone (only 6 instead of 8 insert points and minus the volume control).
Roland, she sure is a thing of beauty, I would be proud and honoured to own this, if I had the 2000 euro spare I probably would offer you it, but its more than what I require.
I built an 8 to 2 summing box with a neumann summing amp, which I feed using an ADAT from my interface, that fulfils my analogue summing needs for now,

but in answer to your question about its value, if this is what someone needs (and I'm sure it would fulfil many needs) I definately agree its worth at least 2000 euros.

how are you summing by the way, or at least whats the amp at the out put stage?