Solid state pultec finished (pic's)

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
the Netherlands
This took some time to build. It's a stereo solid state pultec with a Neve BA 283 gain make up stage, made from a schematic on Steffen's website .
It's all done on veroboard and all pots are grayhill rotary switches.
I put a Haufe output transformers after the opamp buffer and maybe, when I find some, I will put input transformers in as well.
It also has a relay bypass, so I can fully bypass the unit.
I've never heart a real pultec and I don't have any fancy EQ's to compare it with, but I really like what I hear. You simply can't make it sound bad, even not with extreme settings. Since it's solid state I should not compare it to real (tube) pultec. I guess it's much cleaner and that's what I want for on the 2-bus.
Also check this thread for more info

Thanks to everyone here on the forum for sharing their knowledge and especially Steffen, for making this possible for me :thumb:







wow,that's some work . .

I used to use some solid state Pultecs quite often. They had API2520;s as gain make up, if my memory serves me. They were really cool, and tho; not as creamy as tube ones, they definately soiunded Pultec-y! I had a pair of solid state Langs, now they rocked . . . . .)sigh . . .)

thats a nice looking box man! :thumb:
do I see rheinhoefer inductors? :wink:

I switched webhost. here is the new link:

Wow, Roland, this looks awesome!
As always: which enclosure did you use and what was your Greyhill source?
:thumb: :sam: :thumb: :sam: :thumb:
Thanks for all the nice coments. I used rheinhoefer inductors indeed and followed the instructions on the inductor DIY page.
@drpat: what is a SS amp?

Knobs are from Leeds
Grayhills from Leeds and evilbay.

Front panel is again a Schroff - Multipac (RS # 469-1133)
That silver look was not my intention. First, I had it powder coated (pultec kind of blue) after wich I sent it to Schaeffer. Schaeffer then told me that the paint came of during the engraving process. They did not dye the engravings because of that. Turns out that the "powder coat" company forgot to bake the panel.
When I got it back I took the rest of the paint of, sanded it a little and then pollished it.
To dye the engravings I sprayed some black paint on the panel and then quickly wiped it off with a clean soft cloth. This took several times to get it right. The black paint also stayed a little on the panel because I sanded it. This made it look old and "oily", like it's been used for years...

Good to see your site back online, Steffen :thumb:
[quote author="peter purpose"]Beautiful.. :thumb: :thumb:[/quote]Took the words right out of my mouth! That was my first thought as well. I really admire work like this because I hate doing it so much - I'd kill myself before I could finish a project like that. I really like how the front panel turned out.
Nice work!

If you experience hum you might try shielding those big coils of wire I see, if those are inductors. If not, please dis-regard af-for-mentioned verbage.
...nice... I want something like this,too!!

can somebody please do a pcb layout plus a nice documentation
like the stuff on gyrafs site??? please!!!

i need a nice eq between my board and the gyraf ssl!!!!

I would like to do it myself and put it online, but unfortunately
my knowledge only allows me to rebuild nicely documentated stuff
like the gSSL an the g1176...

so please!!! somebody??

@CJ: Thanks for the advice. Those are indeed (selfwound) inductors. So far, the EQ is death quiet. I took my time for the star-grounding thing and there's absolutely no hum, just a slight, very soft hiss, which is normall I guess.

@romeojesus: there is a Pultec scheme on the Gyraf site and PCB's are beeing sold at the black market. It's not a solid state version alright, but you can skip the tube part and do what PRR sugested in this thread.
Great! Don't touch a thing.
How didi you do your bypass? Complete bypass at the I/O to eliminate the line amp, or did you just bypass the eq filters?
[quote author="CJ"]............
How didi you do your bypass? Complete bypass at the I/O to eliminate the line amp, or did you just bypass the eq filters?

Complete bypass at the I/O.........
[quote author="Flatpicker"][quote author="radiance"]...and do what PRR sugested in this thread.[/quote]Oh yeah, I remember that. So, I take it you got your BA283 running?[/quote]

Yes, it works. Next time I'll go for the option PRR sugested though.