Soliloqueen's k87(k67) and k47 capsules

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people are always surprised at how clinical the flat k47 sounds, at least the shentuo-made versions. i think they're really expecting it to sound like a k47, which it doesn't. i saw someone on RGO describe it as a more mellow ck12, which isn't wrong. i did make an effort to give the new one a bit more color to my taste

i didn't touch the mids or treble at all, but it now begins to roll off above 5k like a regular k47, instead of extending all the way to 20k:
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diff chart between a v1 flat k47 and a few current production. I know some may balk at the loss of extension, but inherently, the k47 design's upper air is not good quality. it's scratchy. it's better rolled off slightly IMO. that's kind of my issue with the k47. the k87, i feel, has too much good-sounding presence, whereas the k47 has a good amount of off-sounding presence. the rolloff in a normal neumann k47 masks the unnatural tone quality of the presence and i think the v1 flat k47 revealed this problem, so i did my best to fix this issue. this is a big reason why i don't really like the m49v reissue. i think that the new tube highlights this issue with the k47 too. m49 clone builds with the same tube could suffer from really scratchy air with the old design, so i made a few tweaks knowing that this configuration would probably be a popular project. the new production flat k47 sounds more like an LDC and less like an SDC. The top end is slightly more refined. We're talking 1.5dB changes here, so nothing huge.
In practice these sorts of minor changes could all be pretty well matched in post with an EQ, right?
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That's awesome!
the rates are so low i literally am not allowed to discuss them. i was telling them about the negotiated shipstation rates and they went "lol. we can beat that." and they did. i've never seen prime rates in my life before now. i'm going to be moving all shipments to dhl unless explicitly directed otherwise.
Last edited: has been very solid for international and domestic shipping options. There is a two week trial then it is a monthly subscription based on volume. Customs forms are incredibly easy. Just wanted to make you aware in case there are any destinations where DHL is less efficient.


I've had 3 recent issues shipping DHL from USA to Germany, Japan and Australia. My local hub was repeatedly charging me after the fact for the dimensions /dimensional weight of the large bag they put on the outside of all shipments, not the actual size of the box. These were small, lightweight components in very small boxes. I got through the claim / refund process, but only after many hours / days of emailing detailed pics and back and forth with them trying to give only a tiny refund each time, then having to go to managers and their managers, etc. The shipments got through each time without a problem.
In germany it's the opposite... I've had mixed experiences with other carriers but only good ones with DHL.

YEP, and so it goes with all the major carriers. I have heard both heroic and horror stories about all major carriers. This has been hashed out ad nauseam on ham radio group reflectors. There are plenty of happy and sad stories about all of them, and those guys often ship several thousand dollars worth of heavy, 30 to 100 pound rigs to and from vendors and service centers.

As I never knock any team I am on, I trust Ms. S will encounter both ups (no pun) and downs with her chosen carrier - but as she is is pretty fussy, I have high expectations and strong faith she rides herd closely on any shipper, so it should be OK. James
I think they all average out to be about the same

Well ... almost. Airborne Express wins the prize for chart topping bad service at my office. Consider this scenerio:

Quick Off Topic War Story No. 98263

I anxiously waited for Airborne Express to deliver an overnight package containing crucial time-sensitive contracts for a client to engineer and manufacture $20 Million worth of specialty automobile components. The driver arrived at 9 AM and I scribbled an incomprehensible mark as acceptance signature. The driver balks, explaining my scribble, "ain't a proper signature" and refused to hand it over. Then he LEFT WITH THE PACKAGE !​
So, I called the local AE office, and explained the situation, with emphasis on the value of the contracts and how they had to be executed that day or the opportunity would irrevocably lapse. I explained the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) defines "signature" as including any, "word, mark, or symbol executed or adopted by a person with present intention to authenticate a writing." UCC 3.104(b) I then waited for the Currier to return and deliver both the package and an apology. (Imagine how this would have turned out before we had cell phones!)​
Gratuitous Sidebar: Of course, I would have preferred the currier refuse to return and blow the whole deal, whereupon I could have sued for the lost opportunity, providing the client with the benefit of the bargain without its having to perform the contract or even lift a finger (other than to sign the Complaint.) But the driver timely returned which "ruined a perfectly good suit!" :) (sorry I cannot resist even a bad pun!)

I suffered none of this nonsense with any other carrier. And yet, I concur with Mr. Soapfoot, they all have their good and bad days. JHR
...... The driver arrived at 9 AM and I scribbled an incomprehensible mark as acceptance signature. The driver balks, explaining my scribble, "ain't a proper signature" and refused to hand it over........
As one further short extension to this 'off topic' point ( just one - honestly! ) .... Here in the UK some couriers try to deal with the illegible signature problem by having an adjacent box on the form marked 'Print Name'..... I'm always tempted to just write the word 'Name' in that box ! :)
This thread sure is a wild ride. Who knows what tangent it will go off on next.

@soliloqueen, once the K47, K47F, and K87 are all set, are you still planning on working on some other capsule types, or do you plan on (understandably) holding off for a while to recuperate? If the former, do you know yet (and are you willing to share) what might be on the roadmap?
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