some AD/DA mythbusting

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
Midwood, Brooklyn, NYC
check this out:


according to this logic, PTHD hardware should sound just as good as Soundblaster hardware from 1998
I CERTAINLY have forgotten various "odds and ends" regarding D/A and A/D conversions, because it's been umpteen years since I once had a small grasp on all of the "physics and math" involved.

After watching that interesting video, I am now wracking my brain re. bit depth.  Yes, as shown in the video, noise floor increases as bit depth expected.  But it's late, and I cannot wrap my head around why, say 4 or 2 bit conversion, should just be noisier than 8/16/20/24 vs sounding just plain crappy.

I am also a "fan" of frequency response that extends outside of 20-20K.  On the top end, the Nyquist limit is determined by sample rate, and I have always believed that 44.1 was just a tad on the low side for "comfort".  IIRC, some of the original digital recording designers decided that 50 or 60K was a better choice...BUT perhaps because of the only-available (analog) Nyquist "brickwall" filters they had available.

I will now shut up, and Let the smarter folks chime in....


Did I mention I hate videos, and wasting 20 minutes watching one (well I didn't watch the entire 20 something minutes). Actually a pretty informative discussion with no obvious errors that I could recognize (while I am no digital expert).

@ mulletchuck PTHD (pro tools?)  His point about word length is solid, while there are always some customers willing to pay more for the perception of getting more something. There may be other practical improvements in newer hardware. 1998 digital codecs are actually pretty mature. A friend of mine (Ethan Winer) has published some revealing comparisons about what is and isn't audible. 

@ brian  remembering the early 8 bit and 12 bit digital, the 16 bit (and higher) stuff is sooo nice. It is remarkable what you can get nowadays for less than $2 a chip. Thinking in terms of bits, and all X bit being the same is an over simplification. Modern digital gear used in recording should fairly be evaluated using old school analog measurements.  As he correctly demonstrates dither converts quantization distortion into noise, and provides signal resolution below the LSB. There have ben many experiments regarding useful bandpass. I understand the motivation to master at wider bandwidth and higher resolution, for archival purposes, and the luxury of not having to worry about where the limits are. The comparisons are not as obvious as between analog system

Trying to evaluate modern codecs demonstrates that they are not simple X bit conversions, so it becomes X bits of S/N and Y bits of dynamic range. More comprehensive specs reveal S/N of say a -90dBu signal  while not great, this effective S/N is much better than predicted from the S/N below a 0 dBu signal.

Good advice is to not worry about it too much and use analog measurement tools.

My only quibble was the video's characterization of cassette tape as being like 9 bit digital. As we are aware magnetic tape captures signals well below the tape noise floor, not unlike a dithered digital signals. So cassette tape may be like a digital signal dithered to 9 bit. (If he actually said that my apologies). 

@ SSL Not sure exactly sure which noise floor Bri is referring to. Low word bit length quantization is not really added noise, more like distortion from the imperfect quantization of the original signal spreading around some amount of that signal energy that doesn't fit neatly into the limited quanta so sounds like noise. Dither noise is indeed added noise but generally at very low amplitude, and shaped to be even less audible.  Luckily we do not have to deal with crude low bit word length systems any more.  Telephony may still be 8-bit but with a non-linear mapping between LSB bits, to analog step size providing more effective resolution for small signal amplitude around AC zero. Distortion in louder MSB telephone signal steps is easier to ignore.   

A friend who works in film restoration in Hollywood sent me this email recently.  I tend to believe he has the experience and expertise to make these observations.

I was finally forced to upgrade my PT HD rig to the new AVID PT gear for a job I'm working on. I needed more digital inputs on the HD rig, but it turned out that at higher sample rates, the digital input cards were not phase coherent even within a single IO unit!!!! 96kHz was off 1 sample and 192k was off 2 samples across the two cards.  Since the old boxes only do 192k via dual-wire AES, 5.1 audio was split across two digital cards.

I decided to go with the AVID Native system since I don't really use much processing.

When I bought the rig, they mentioned to me that the sound improves significantly with an outboard word clock.  Typically I don't think of "significant" with a word clock change, but I thought I would at least check the clock technically to see what they were referring to.  On the internet I also found people raving about needing an expensive clock with the AVID IO.

When I tested it, I found that the clock in the AVID IOs is TERRIBLE, and even worse than a 20 year old DA88 machine.  I've never seen a worse one in the digital machines I've checked in the past.  It does not really affect me since in motion picture work everything is locked to a master clock, but if you see someone recording music on internal with an AVID IO you may want to warn them.  Internal on the SYNC IO is fine, though.  The sample rate frequency is way off in the AVID IO and very different even between the two boxes I have.  It is almost like the external wordclock consortium paid AVID to mess up the internal clock to make the external ones sound better.  While a solid word clock generator at 96kHz outputs say 96000.0 and another digital machine like a DA98 may put out something like 95999.4 on internal,  one of the AVID IOs is putting out 95993.5 and the other is 95995.1  This is enough difference to see speed errors in a long recording.

The pinknoise generator in PT still puts out poor frequency response after all these years too.

I'd also suggest buying a dozen pawn shop CD players and see if they all sound the same.  I'm pretty sure they won't. 
I watched the video and no where did I get that he implied that a PT converter would or should sound the same as a soundblaster card from the 90's.  He even admits at the end his "sins of omission" were great on this video. 
Adding bits adds headroom (reducing the noise floor).  Adding samples allows for frequencies above the range of hearing (not necessarily perception... another fight for another day) to be recreated by the converter but it does something else he didn't mention.  Higher sample rate also minimizes those quantization "errors" in the higher frequencies (left / right - see andy's post below for the amplitude quantizing errors, spot on!) which DOES change the sonic characteristic on the DtoA conversion.  If you don't believe that, just record a crash cymbal at 44.1 then record it at 192 or even 48.  Tell me your perceived difference.
Its one thing to test a perfect sine wave, it's another thing to test with a complex waveform where there maybe a transient spike somewhere that doesn't get picked up by the conversion at lower sample rates. ie: the attached graphic.

The pic on the left would be at 44.1 for a complex wave form.  The one on the right is the SAME wave form sampled at 88.2.  The first 2 lines on the left would come out about the same as the first 4 on the right.  But look what happens after that.  That would be the detail difference.  Is is audible.... depends on how critically you're listening.  Is it going to be a huge drastic game stopping difference, no.  But again, in the higher end of the spectrum, it IS noticeable if you're going for a higher fidelity reproduction of the sound.  If you're just recording sine waves, yeah, stick with 44.1.  If you're recording an orchestra or a jazz quartet... probably wanna bump up that sample rate.

The biggest issue with D/A A/D reproduction was something he didn't even mention which is the clock that is running the whole thing. 
I used to slave a couple of hardware recorders using MTC (the only thing i had at the time).  The 2 hardware units worked well, but the PC didn't like it too much.  And i wish I saved a copy of the track that I worked on when the clock really started struggling.  You CAN hear jitter if its bad enough and will make a big difference in the overall sound of the file.  I should note that I've only had issue with it when trying to sync multiple machines without a good word clock.  But it's real and its the reason I use my Apogee as master clock to sync all the digital equipment i use, there IS a sonic difference.  (which is why people get their 002/003's modded by black lion... they just put a *****in clock in there (and upgrade the crap PS) but the clock makes the difference which is why a BL modded 002 can sound as good as a blue 192)  If ya ever wanna hear the real world difference between the two you're more than welcome, and bring your apogee along too.  we can send the same signal into 2 or 3 converters and see what happens.  (can do different sample rates too... then hear whats going on when you try to phase cancel them) 

edit: note for clarification


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Brian Roth said:
After watching that interesting video, I am now wracking my brain re. bit depth.  Yes, as shown in the video, noise floor increases as bit depth expected.  But it's late, and I cannot wrap my head around why, say 4 or 2 bit conversion, should just be noisier than 8/16/20/24 vs sounding just plain crappy.

I refuse to use the term "bit depth." I like "word length" because that's what it is.

Anyways -- as you increase the word length, your quantization noise decreases. Let's start with a simple example: a comparator, which is basically a one-bit ADC.

Assume a 1V input range, and a threshold set to 0.5V. Any signal above 0.5V is a '1' and any signal below 0.5V is a '0'. So this means you have a pretty wide range of voltages which are represented as a '1' and similar for '0'. This is the quantization error and you can't get around it.

Expand your circuit to use two comparators. For illustration let's make it simple and say that these comparators output "00" for inputs in the range 0V to 0.25V, "01" for 0.25V to 0.5V, "10" for 0.5V to 0.75V and finally "11" for 0.75V to 1.0V. Now instead of half a volt of quantization you have a quarter volt. Your error is reduced.

As you add bits, the quantization gets smaller and smaller. At some point the quantization error is below the analog noise floor, and then you can stop adding bits.

sr1200 said:
The pic on the left would be at 44.1 for a complex wave form.  The one on the right is the SAME wave form sampled at 88.2.  The first 2 lines on the left would come out about the same as the first 4 on the right.  But look what happens after that.  That would be the detail difference.  Is is audible.... depends on how critically you're listening.  Is it going to be a huge drastic game stopping difference, no.  But again, in the higher end of the spectrum, it IS noticeable if you're going for a higher fidelity reproduction of the sound.  If you're just recording sine waves, yeah, stick with 44.1.  If you're recording an orchestra or a jazz quartet... probably wanna bump up that sample rate.

*sigh*  :(

this is the same old error repeated on audio forums around the web over and over again. It's due to Nyquist theorem that is really difficult to understand for a layman. And it turns out every modern day audio "engineer" is a layman when it comes to Nyquist theorem and its profound effect on the way digital audio is recorded and reproduced. This isn't helped by the fact marketing people don't understand it either and regurgitate the same misinformation (hello Motu!).

That little picture of yours is missing the actual audio that you listen to. It's actually very different from the discrete "dot" representation. The basic premise is that we draw sinc-interpolation (or close) on the sample data, commonly known as the reconstruction filter. This reconstruction filter is able to bring out information that isn't immediately obvious just looking at the discrete "dot" representation. The end result you hear actually mostly contains the "dots" you thought were missing, something you assumed only higher sample rates could capture. This is the part that is magical to laymen, something akin to wizardry.

The difference you hear isn't because of the added information above hearing threshold, it's other things, like clocking implementation or (wildly varying) reconstruction filter implementations.
sr1200 said:
If you don't believe that, just record a crash cymbal at 44.1 then record it at 192 or even 48.  Tell me your perceived difference.

Do you mean recording a single hit simultaneously with two systems using one mic and a cable splitter?  cuz the performance difference will throw the whole argument out the window unless you got a machine to hit the cymbal with the same velocity/force

This reconstruction filter is able to bring out information that isn't immediately obvious just looking at the discrete "dot" representation. The end result you hear actually mostly contains the "dots" you thought were missing, something you assumed only higher sample rates could capture. This is the part that is magical to laymen, something akin to wizardry.

I thought he talked about that in the video, how there is only one continuous waveform solution for a given 'lollipop plot', and that's why the pre/post-converter analog scope views are the 99% the same, excluding noise floor. 
Here's a crude reconstruction filter I made based on that little image by sr1200, not an actual result of sinc() interpolation. Which would be even more revealing by the way..

What you see as discrete dot representation is NOT what you hear coming out of the DAC.

There are much better images of this thing around the web.


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sr1200 said:
I watched the video and no where did I get that he implied that a PT converter would or should sound the same as a soundblaster card from the 90's.  He even admits at the end his "sins of omission" were great on this video. 
Which doesn't necessarily mean any facts stated were incorrect. Only that he glossed over areas he inspected and it's a little more complicated than presented.
Adding bits adds headroom (reducing the noise floor).
In theory for a perfect simple conversion perhaps. Modern conversions are far from simple with noise floors higher than LSB so analog dynamic range as conventionally defined and measured is less that digital theoretical dynamic range. More bits does not automatically translate to lower noise floor while there is an expectation and some association to satisfy that expectation.
Adding samples allows for frequencies above the range of hearing (not necessarily perception... another fight for another day) to be recreated by the converter but it does something else he didn't mention.
Sorry if wasn't clear.. I meant perception of value not sonic perception.
Higher sample rate also minimizes those quantization "errors" in the higher frequencies which DOES change the sonic characteristic on the DtoA conversion.  If you don't believe that, just record a crash cymbal at 44.1 then record it at 192 or even 48.  Tell me your perceived difference.
Umm time samples affect the capability to capture and reproduce high frequency components. Quantization is generally an amplitude phenomenon.

If the cymbal crash is effectively LPF before the conversion, and you can not hear above 20kHz or whatever the limit is, there should be no audible difference.  A close mic'd cymbal crash will have a lot of content tens of kHz above audible range. If you are hearing artifacts that may be a failure of pre-filtering for oversample converter or some other error. In analog paths, cymbals are notorious for causing audible LF IMD.

Its one thing to test a perfect sine wave, it's another thing to test with a complex waveform where there maybe a transient spike somewhere that doesn't get picked up by the conversion at lower sample rates. ie: the attached graphic.
If the transient is too narrow to be sampled, it is too HF to be heard.
The pic on the left would be at 44.1 for a complex wave form.  The one on the right is the SAME wave form sampled at 88.2.  The first 2 lines on the left would come out about the same as the first 4 on the right.  But look what happens after that.  That would be the detail difference.  Is is audible.... depends on how critically you're listening.  Is it going to be a huge drastic game stopping difference, no.  But again, in the higher end of the spectrum, it IS noticeable if you're going for a higher fidelity reproduction of the sound.  If you're just recording sine waves, yeah, stick with 44.1.  If you're recording an orchestra or a jazz quartet... probably wanna bump up that sample rate.
Sampling theory is mature. Enough is enough, Enough said.
The biggest issue with D/A A/D reproduction was something he didn't even mention which is the clock that is running the whole thing. 
I used to slave a couple of hardware recorders using MTC (the only thing i had at the time).  The 2 hardware units worked well, but the PC didn't like it too much.  And i wish I saved a copy of the track that I worked on when the clock really started struggling.  You CAN hear jitter if its bad enough and will make a big difference in the overall sound of the file.  I should note that I've only had issue with it when trying to sync multiple machines without a good word clock.  But it's real and its the reason I use my Apogee as master clock to sync all the digital equipment i use, there IS a sonic difference.  (which is why people get their 002/003's modded by black lion... they just put a *****in clock in there (and upgrade the crap PS) but the clock makes the difference which is why a BL modded 002 can sound as good as a blue 192)  If ya ever wanna hear the real world difference between the two you're more than welcome, and bring your apogee along too.  we can send the same signal into 2 or 3 converters and see what happens.  (can do different sample rates too... then hear whats going on when you try to phase cancel them)
Bad clocking can cause issues, but this too is often overstated as a problem in practice, probably to sell some new hardware. There's a good white paper floating around about clocking that debunks the hysteria.

But what would I know I am not a digital expert, just been paying attention for several decades. If you go back far enough early digital really did suck. These days not so much, but still lots of magical thinking around. Digital conversion is an ideal topic to flout pseudo-science about.

sr1200 said:
Higher sample rate also minimizes those quantization "errors" in the higher frequencies (left / right - see andy's post below for the amplitude quantizing errors, spot on!) which DOES change the sonic characteristic on the DtoA conversion.  If you don't believe that, just record a crash cymbal at 44.1 then record it at 192 or even 48.  Tell me your perceived difference.
Its one thing to test a perfect sine wave, it's another thing to test with a complex waveform where there maybe a transient spike somewhere that doesn't get picked up by the conversion at lower sample rates. ie: the attached graphic.

Remember Fourier: fast edges are built with harmonics. Harmonics above the antialiasing filter's cut-off will be eliminated. Your "transient spikes" will be tamped down.

This myth seems to surface annually, luckily this time it was in a thread specifically on AD/DA mythbusting.

I wish there was an easy way to explain bandlimiting and how it causes phase information to be stored in that magical discrete sample dot.
Kingston said:
This myth seems to surface annually, luckily this time it was in a thread specifically on AD/DA mythbusting.

I wish there was an easy way to explain bandlimiting and how it causes phase information to be stored in that magical discrete sample dot.

At least they used the lollipod-dot representation and not the stair-step. I wish DAWs would apply sinc filters to their waveform displays, too.

And then there are all of the things about external clocks and such, none of which ever mention that the clock which matters in an oversampling converter is, of course, the modulator.

Moby said:
I like the spectrum analyzer software he used. Anyone knows which software is that???
There's a link in the video to the software, but I'm pretty sure it's linux only.