Get a cheap DMM that has Cap tester from Conrad, always usefull.
i have 16 of these left (seems to be CAPACITORS SILVER MICA/POLY/COG
2 12p C7.5/3 C23, C57 CAN BE 12-33PF: right?)
hmm picture is too blurred, what is the writings on the Blue COG Caps, 150J COG100? if yes then these are 15pF J for (+/-5%) Caps i think, so yes for C23 etc....
i already installed the 14 0.1 uf:
Still 98 to Go ;D
but i still got the 100k2k
What do they look like? My stupid logic would say, 100k like for the resistors, so 100000pF, and so 100nF and so 0.1uf....
oh and btw i just realized this AFTER soldering some of the alphas into place:
is it possible to cut the pot shafts after soldering with a dremel without damaging the pot?
Yes possible, but screw the Alpha on the frontpanel, protect the front panel with some cooking plastic or so, and cut, better to cut when you have the knobs in your hands so you have an idea of the exact dimension to cut, just my 2 cent.
After cutting, if the dimension is correct, well just use the cutted shaft length to duplicate on all others without soldering on PCB, mark them with a black pen or something, that's what i did, so cutted all at same time and at right size, like i said the build is a little like working in a factory
, well if you don't want to waist too much time....