Soundcraft 760 tape machine with iffy playback - help!

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2014
Hello to y'all,

My Soundcraft 760 2 inch 24 track has just started to make a loud mechanical noise while playing back. It looks like the something is pushing the tape downwards. It could perhaps be the pinch roller but I can't tell for sure. This has happened in the past but the tape machine has in some way sorted itself out on previous occasions.

Has anyone ever had a similar problem? Any ideas for things to try?

Appreciate any help!
Thanks for your replies.

Could the sticky pinch roller be addressed somehow?

Many thanks
I just joined! Well any mods/repair for tape machines(mainly mechanical) I do.. I made my "will last 5 lifetimes" 760 mk3 pinch roller matching the dark blue of the machine. I also made the tape lifters free spinning on precision bearings and the headstack mounting guide ways. Back lighten the vus, motor voltage readouts and other things.


  • IMG-20180420-WA0004.jpeg
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I just joined! Well any mods/repair for tape machines(mainly mechanical) I do.. I made my "will last 5 lifetimes" 760 mk3 pinch roller matching the dark blue of the machine. I also made the tape lifters free spinning on precision bearings and the headstack mounting guide ways. Back lighten the vus, motor voltage readouts and other things.