Thank you all for your replies.
@k brown
As JR says - SNR, but I'm basing this on few assumptions which may be wrong:
- mics to be used on these channels are "noisy" (specifically wm55 & wm61) and can only use resistive pads between mic and mixer (which probably also brings down mic noise together with the signal)
- 20db resistive pad that has "correct" impedances may require too much gain compensation, and spirit becomes noisy on higher gains (I noticed that with ribbon microphones)
- 6db & 10db resistive pads do not have "correct" impedaces and may "color" the sound (actually, if they do, I havent noticed that with those capsules - or did not care at that moment)
So, i thught that the "simplest" and most versatile solution would be to shift the gain range on few channels from 15-60db to let's say ~0-40db.
Spirit's "clean" gain (noise does not raise above the soundcard's noise flor) is about 15db (probably total ~30db over unity), so resistive pads would probably be OK if not for impedance missmatch (I'd love to learn more about that in context of transformerless mic/preamp) and resistors' thermal noise (if this is even an issue in this case).
I will try that, and if doesn't solve the problem or it changes the sound in some way that doesn't sound right to me, I'll give up - it's just that it takes too much time to experiment or potentionaly introduce a problem that I'll become aware of in the middle of some other thing. But thank you very much for taking your time and looking into it, I appreciate it.
The thing that bothered me was clipping the soundcard input (connected via mixer insert point) - I should've started the topic with that piece of information. It seems that mixer has more headroom/different operational level than the soundcard (+4/-10 thing?) - the insert sends can clip the soundcard input while mic preamp is not clipping yet, so some attenuation will be required even after the mic preamp gain reduction. If mic pre can take hot signal and that same signal output clips the soundcard, then output needs to be padded, which also reduces the noise perceived by soundcard (if it's above soundcard's noise floor).
I've tested two things...
Increasing resistance between the emiters (extra 10k brings down gain by ~6db, and it seems that it does not change the sound). I can put this resistor on a switch on a few channels (eg. on/off/on for 6/0/12db).
I've put a 10k pot before insert send point (as voltage divider), and it seems to work ok without "coloring" the sound. What suprised me is that when ground is disconnected from the pot, leaving 10k in series, the volume drops by ~6db - is that series resistance making a voltage divider with soundcard's input impedance?
I still need to test how much padding is required between the mic pre with full scale mic signal and soundcard's input, and figure out if it would be reasonable to pad all the channels (eg. if spirit's "clean" gain can compensate for this padding without introducing noise).