Spectra Sonics 610 Complimiter issues

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Sep 9, 2005
benton, ky
I had a SS 610 in my studio that has never behaved right.  It will sound all great and trashy like a 610 should then I'll hear pops and clicks and the level will drop 5-10 dBs.  Everything goes back to normal when I touch the front panel a certain way, or I turn the slope or release pots.  Sometime turning any of the pots triggers this behavior. 

Does this sound like any particular problem to anyone?


Craig Morris
maybe failing caps , but clean the controls , open it up and check , resolder the joints won't hurt
check any connectors
at least a visual inspection , while listening to the output the the lid off [ or unit open] tap around
with the eraser side of a pencil to check for reaction on particular places & parts , sometimes freeze
spray will islaote parts but that's usually a thermal noise condition , failing all that sell it to me for cheap
Thanks for the replies, guys.  What I'm hearing sounds like a bad solder joint or maybe some kind of grounding problem, since I can cause the problem to happen by touching front panel.  I think one or two of the pots might be soldered directly to the board, so they may be the culprit.

Did the pencil eraser test and found one of the lugs of the slope pot that was hard wired to the board had a bad solder joint.  Seemed to cure the problem.

okgb, I guess I won't have to sell it to you for cheap now!