#1 a runner just finished a full marathon (26.2? miles) in 2 hours and just under 2 minutes.... That is fast, I recall when the 4 minute mile fell, the 2 hour marathon is next record to fall.
{edit- I was still a young puke when the 4 minute mile record fell, so not only was I not reading newspapers, I wasn't even old enough to be delivering them..so my recollection of recalling seems questionable. It happened at an olympics but they weren't as widely televised back then. [/edit]
That is averaging 4.6 minute miles for 26+ miles. I could start running with him when he passed mile marker 26 and still get beat to the finish line the only 0.2 miles further. :
#2 less spectacular , a woman on a bicycle just broke the land speed record with >180 MPH, but that was assisted by a motor vehicle clearing the air stream ahead of her... In fact the record needs an asterisk (IMO) because the drafting effect is not completely neutral but probably pulls her forward some.
Still crazy dangerous (you don't want to fall off a bike or anything going a fraction of that speed) but never possible to go anywhere near that fast without the motor vehicle in front assisting. In fact they pulled her up to 150 MPH before releasing her tow cable.
{edit- I was still a young puke when the 4 minute mile record fell, so not only was I not reading newspapers, I wasn't even old enough to be delivering them..so my recollection of recalling seems questionable. It happened at an olympics but they weren't as widely televised back then. [/edit]
That is averaging 4.6 minute miles for 26+ miles. I could start running with him when he passed mile marker 26 and still get beat to the finish line the only 0.2 miles further. :
#2 less spectacular , a woman on a bicycle just broke the land speed record with >180 MPH, but that was assisted by a motor vehicle clearing the air stream ahead of her... In fact the record needs an asterisk (IMO) because the drafting effect is not completely neutral but probably pulls her forward some.
Still crazy dangerous (you don't want to fall off a bike or anything going a fraction of that speed) but never possible to go anywhere near that fast without the motor vehicle in front assisting. In fact they pulled her up to 150 MPH before releasing her tow cable.