The boost/cuts and Qadjust are mounted on the bottom and the freq's & bell switches on the top
It can be good idea to fit it into 1RU, two channels. This way, to fit the pots, they have to be at same side of pcb.
Eagle, aye? possible to use different colors for tplace and bplace.
BTW, according to Tony's post, to pass the traces between pot's pins, just change the grid to somewhat 0.635 or 0.3175 mm;
or, use 1.27 main grid and change the alt grid to smaller, than, when tracing, press alt when drawing traces out of main grid.
But I'm not sure what you mean about the bypass caps being over. Does this mean they're not close enough to the chips?
Bypass caps at every chip. I use for my projects 0805 SMD, X7R, 0.1uf/50V, at bottom side, close as possible to every chip.
But many of folks here hate smd, take this into acc't. 2.5mm X7R 0.1uf/50V ceramics at every chip PS pins is what I meant, in other words.
Would adding a 100K parallel resistor to each deck of a 100K rev log be a good idea to get the 50K that we need?
Yes, this will work; about 20% of initial range of pots (mean, from 7.30 to 10.00) will feel bit wrong; however, it is absolutely enough for testing.
Possible to compromize and have extended to low side range using say 100k-RlogPots in parallel with 200k resistor.
OM-01-018 - 16mm - 3 gang 47k rev. log / 47k rev. log / 22k lin + ident- concentric shaft\
Refering to 82e02, this is the eq we have on 32 channels and I hate, this pot will work 100%.
No need for 4k7 and centertap for gain, there will be bit different feel on boost/cut, however,
many eq's done this way (without CT), like Urei 545.
To be complete Nazi, it is possible to use: 10k lin pot +10k resistor+ dpdt boost-off-cut (on-off-on) switch at every boost/cut band.