[quote author="tubejay"]HairyAndy and I are still compiling a list of suitable parts, so it would be nice to find more meters to choose from.
I'm in the process of moving right now, and DIY has been packed up for a couple weeks. After that, I'm VERY close to finishing my comp. I've already got half the holes drilled in my case. All I have left to do is finish connecting the XLR's, the control board to the main PCB, and test it! After that Hairyandy and I will finalize our lists and he'll post them to the web for everyone. So, if anyone has any alternate parts, like the meter, which is expensive, that would be great info to have!!
Thanks! :guinness: :guinness:[/quote]
Just wondering if you guys ever finalized that suitable parts list for the SSL comp. I have the one posted earlier in this thread (Greg's), but it sounded like you guys where going to have a larger one with some different choices of parts. If you have a close but not completed version, feel free to e-mail it to me and I can finish it up to the best of my knowledge.
davidhun AT usc DOT edu