Studer 169 EQ 500 question

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Feb 9, 2025
Madison, AL
Hello all! First time poster, long time browser. I bought two studer 169 eq pcbs from pcb grinder and am planning on building two units with the neurtrik ntl1 and putting in some hairball audio je-990 opamps. I've built some stuff from diyre and from capi-gear but my electronics skills still have much left to be desired. Is there any way I could build the two units and then link them together to create a stereo unit, and if so, how would I go about this? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I was mainly just curious for curiosity sake.
No easy way. There isn't a control voltage to share, like in compressors.
The most straightforward way would be to make all the pots together, doubling the decks. But this already has uncommon, 2 deck pots, and it would be hard parts to find.
You could build up stepped switches, four deck in this case, with the resistor values calculated out for 1dB steps, for instance. You'd want to start with the mastering version vs the 500 version.
Are you building 16v versions of 990s?