How much slew rate do you need? To save you some mental effort the rate of change for a sine wave is maximum at zero crossing. That rate of change is roughly 1.5x a similar frequency and amplitude triangle wave.Yes. A diagram plotting compensation capacitance vs. slew rate/unity gain bandwidth for the NE5534 would be nice though.
[TMI warning]... Back in the 70s-80s when I was still pondering such things, I considered coming up with a new amplifier metric that quantified linearity wrt slew rate. Based on the ASSumption that slew limiting is not a hard threshold but probably has a soft region of increased distortion on the edge of slew limiting. I even pondered ways to measure this but came to my senses... IMO the world did not need yet another audiophool specification when off the shelf op amps were several times faster than audio could ever need.
A lot of OK music was tracked through 0.5V/uSec paths, albeit using lower (-10dBV) 0VU nominal levels. Slew rate demands only became more apparent when people started multitrack recording and close miking the cymbals (audible LF IMD caused by too slow electronic path). Distant miking cymbals causes the extreme HF to attenuate while passing through the air.