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How do you rework fine surface mount components? I recently reworked some SOT-563 components where the pcb pads 4 and 6 were reversed on the software. I had to lift the components, isolate pads 4 and 6, re-mount the component, and run a wire from pin 4 to pad 6, and pin 6 to pad 4. The SOT-563 is a six pin IC measuring 1.5mm x 1.1mm, the pins are .2mm. We have stranded wire here, so I used one strand from that. My soldering iron tip is .2mm. The boards that I reworked were lead free, so I reflowed with leaded solder. I applied flux with a syringe, but the syringes we have are not the smallest, so I usually flooded the area. I used kapton tape to hold the wire strand in place. This process was very difficult and time consuming.
The next batch of boards, the board house did the rework. They stood the ICs up on pins 1,2,3, and ran mag wire to pads 4,5,6. Unfortunately, some of the ICs are in an RF can and shorted when the lid was placed, so I reworked those.
I have a Metcal solder station, and a Hakko solder station. The Hakko also has hot air, although I don’t have much experience using the hot air. Is there anybody here that does this kind of work with any opinions on hot air vs. solder tips?
The next batch of boards, the board house did the rework. They stood the ICs up on pins 1,2,3, and ran mag wire to pads 4,5,6. Unfortunately, some of the ICs are in an RF can and shorted when the lid was placed, so I reworked those.
I have a Metcal solder station, and a Hakko solder station. The Hakko also has hot air, although I don’t have much experience using the hot air. Is there anybody here that does this kind of work with any opinions on hot air vs. solder tips?