t racks mastering suite

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
Ok lads ,so i been play with this thing for a while now and i can not for the life of me work out were i am going wrong.

song mix -6db so live say. Mst Chain linear eq o/p level  according to the peak meter is -8.4 at the highest peak ,then we go into the  opto comp ,i set

the input gain to 6  ratio 1.53.1  ,attack 41, release 5000ms , compression  knob at 6.5 and the gr is about  half way between 0 db and 1db  the out pot

is to 0.0db and the peak meter reads -3db.

Ok everything sound fine here until i switch in the brickwall limiter  input pot at 13.5 db gr -8  which is bouncing  along with the track very nicely,

Attack 0.05ms  and release 0.10ms so heres the deal the snap  on the snare is starting to sound like a shaker .RMS 9.1 db Perceived loudness about db

10 db , so i back of the input on the brick wall  limiter to 9.1db  and that so better now  but the  RMS  and Perceived loudness are way down what am i

doing wrong ? , should i eq the snare down a bit , add a gain stage  ? ?.

Any help with this would be nice i can send you the clip if you like with the project  preset...


There'sa really good book by owsinski just for T Racks. The software works well if you use subtle settings and don't really crank it.
If you are looking for a hot RMS master than T-rack is not for you. I used it a lot but 10 y ago. Now there is more powerfull weapons, for example  Izotope Ozone 5. I has a lot nice features and new IRC3 mode works as a charm for fast transients. Also, it's cool to put on the master your favorite master plug  for ocasionally monitoring - checking what can happen when you push it hard. Some people like to mix it with all the time ON but it works for me just for checking. Hope this helps a bit.     

Edit. Don't go with ceiling + 0.1 . Go for example with - 0.2 or- 0.3, it saves your master from unwanted clip