Takstar capsules are now widely available from takstar themselves

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Active member
Jun 20, 2022
I know, the title might sound very scammy but hear me out
Have you ever seen a Takstar capsule like that? Takstar is known as Desheng.

They are also making/selling the very same capsules used in the Lewitts and AKGs. Weeks ago when I was searching for capsules they did not exist as a separate store, suddenly they do now
And they are actually 20$ (or 13USD) for per capsule if you buy it in 50 bulk!
I wonder if Shure PG 27 and 42 series (and also the usb variations) also use that capsules, but have never seen one inside
When i briefly looked into taobao some years ago, there seemed to be various "brokers" / middle-man websites..?
That doesn't sound like taobao to me. I've been using taobao for 10 years and it's never been a broker / middle man website.
Rather, it's a B2C website, much like amazon of china
There's some capsules on AliExpress:



Not a Takstar store and most capsules are unbranded. A search for "Takstar" only yields mics. No capsules. I had no clue Takstar had this many mic models (and other products too).
I'm not too sure, they don't look like takstar to me. And yes they do have a lot of mics!
Did someone tried this CK12 capsule ?
I've yet to spend more time with the CTS3 but I like it over the typical RK87 capsules already
Could the capsule from BaiFeiLi V10, which you used with good results in some U87 clones, be produced by Takstar?

Takstar appears not to use brass backplate screws except for the "CK12" capsules and even with the black screws there are a couple of screws that are silver
I'm not too sure, they don't look like takstar to me. And yes they do have a lot of mics!

I only found 1 ad with "Takstar" in the product description. The links are just examples of what to expect.

But TaoBao was a complete letdown. Zero results for a search on "Takstar". Maybe not indexed yet? Or invisible for me?
But TaoBao was a complete letdown. Zero results for a search on "Takstar". Maybe not indexed yet? Or invisible for me?

Did you read the OP and/or take a good look at the screenshot? Nowhere in the title of the listing does it mention Takstar ;)
I only found 1 ad with "Takstar" in the product description. The links are just examples of what to expect.

But TaoBao was a complete letdown. Zero results for a search on "Takstar". Maybe not indexed yet? Or invisible for me?
Its desheng... The OEM name of takstar is desheng
No guarantees the screenshots weren't auto-translated by the browser (Chrome offers to do that), though. Note that the images still contain chinese text, so that might be playing into the (apparent?) lack of results... Possibly?
No guarantees the screenshots weren't auto-translated by the browser (Chrome offers to do that), though. Note that the images still contain chinese text, so that might be playing into the (apparent?) lack of results... Possibly?
Of course it was auto translated, I can't quite read chinese :ROFLMAO:
Thanks, Dave. I was already contemplating I was missing something :cool:

No result for "Desheng" either. But I can't read Chinese...
try this https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?_u...37469060&spm=a1z0k.7628869.0.0.2fe337depZBjh9
Not sure. It's a better capsule than the $20 cheapies I've bought on Ali, though.
I sent them a message, asking who makes them, so we'll see what or if they respond.
I'm curious, the ORS87 microphones with the Baifeili V10 capsule also sounded good, but with less bass, possibly due to the smaller body and headbasket