rock soderstrom
Tour de France
Here, an attempt is made to establish the ideological reference of the term "Brown Book*" to the so-called "Brown Movement", i.e. the Nazis. As if the technical manufacturers and broadcasters wanted to document their favoured political direction with it.Just as a historical reminder, "Braunbuch" what means "Brownbook" was called that way with refference to the politcal color of choice durring that time, that was not a choice in the first place, after WWII the name was not changed like so many other things and thoughts. The east german broadcast network changed the name as the color of the book to blue... “
Sorry, that is total nonsense. I have no idea where this came from, but it cannot be proven in any way.
Because there are a few minor problems to substantiate this baseless claim. First, the term "Braunbuch" in our context has its origins before the Nazi regime. Another "problem" is that broadcasting was traditionally "red" (stands for people the Nazis do not like), not brown. Hitler and especially the later propaganda minister Goebbels had great difficulty in "cleaning up" radio and bringing it onto their line. That took time...
Another small problem for this steep thesis is that the "Brown Movement" was only a part of the Nazi gang. Very powerful at the beginning, but after the so-called "Röhm Putsch" (1934!) the brown SA shirt was as good as a Wagner Group emblem today in the Kremlin, career-wise . The colour of choice was now black(..for a fast Nazi career)
For those interested in this topic, here is some info. I have no idea how good this can be AI translated....
*The term brown book has been used inflationarily by many political currents over time. Esoterics and other crackpots also like such terms, the fascination of the evil probably, which always sells very well, too.
However, the whole discussion about the Brown Book distracts from much more important and also exciting topics. The context of media and broadcasting technology in fascism (and other totalitarian movements) is too important for short-winded and sensationalist threads.
This is something that should be talked about...
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