mattyblue said:
Are there any pictures of the external power supply mod for the G9?
Pictures of my _external_ power supply mod.
(sorry couldn't resist) ;D
Here it is installed.
The only real minimum mod required on the G9 board is to remove R37 (the 470 resistor linking into the original PSU) and re-wiring the capacitors and connectors. The original 3 pin connector for the capacitors can be re-used (using the left most pin and the center pin), so there's no need to butcher the board at all.
Just FYI Please don't take this as a criticism, just something to look at as a potential improvement. I suspect a fair amount of the cross talk between channels that I measured earlier is also being communicated via the HT power supply. I can clearly see around 20mV of ripple exactly corresponding to the signal on channel 2 on the HT line of channel 1 (using an HT capable oscilloscope). So maybe there's some more to investigate here too. Again something that is more measurable than noticeable.
I performed the following tests:
1KHz tone on right channel adjusted to +4dBm output -25dBm input, left channel input terminated to mic impedance
1KHz tone on right channel adjusted to -16dBm output -45dBm input, left channel input terminated to mic impedance
pink noise on right channel, left channel input terminated to mic impedance 0-2KHz
pink noise on right channel, left channel input terminated to mic impedance 0-10Khz (shows cross talk increases with frequency)
no signal on right channel, left channel input terminated to mic impedance
And then in the following combinations:
oep transformers, original on board psu
oep transformers, external psu (same design, just physically separated off the board)
oep transformers, new psu (attempt to change filtering = failed)
lundahl transformers, original on board psu
lundahl transformers, external psu (same design, just physically separated off the board)
Which gives 25 tests.
See my test results here:
My attempt to make some clever modifications to rejig the filtering to avoid inter-channel crosstalk failed I'm afraid (new psu oep). The modified power supply was better at rejecting specific low frequency cross talk, but worse in general. Suspect strongly this is simply a limitation of the TL783 at higher frequencies (results matched the data sheet pretty much)
Anyway the very clear conclusion from my tests was simply to build the original PSU as designed and documented on the schematic, but physically separated from the original G9 board (preferably remove all of the original HT PSU components completely from the G9 PCB, but at the very least you must remove R37 on the main PCB to isolate the existing supply). That gave me an improvement of around 10dB in noise floor figure, which is not insignificant. The Lundahls were really super quiet after the mod.
I did add a couple of extra small capacitors I had spare in parallel with C15 = 220uF 400V electrolytic +10uF electrolytic 450V + 0.47uF 275V polyester for the high frequencies, but to be honest I don't think they really made any difference but I left them in. Try it yourself and see.