Ok MeToo2, what I have done:
1 - i connect my interface output 3 with input 3, send 1kHz RMS test tone at -18dBFS and trim interface gain on input 3 to have -18dBFS in pro tools so I get unity gain on +4dBu.
2 - disconnect output 3, to input 3 i connect output from G9, at G9 input i connect dynamic microphone with switch to get load on input (of course mic was disabled). Then I record track with input and output on 0 (on G9) and on max - didn't move interface gain.
3 - on left channel which is further from PSU block I get:
all knobs on 0 -> -75dbFS of noise
all knobs on max -> -63dBFS of noise
And on right channel (closer to PSU) I get:
all knobs on 0 -> -75dbFS of noise
all knobs on max -> -56dBFS of noise
Both channels set to MIC.
Is this acceptable score ? Still waiting for new tubes to check this possibility.