The real attack on Democracy.

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It doesn’t take much for you to verify with all the delusional links you post
"I know you are but what am I?":rolleyes:

This is the level of argument you can muster? You attacked the Post, not the actual video. Because if you'd looked at the video, you'd realize you'd been sold a bill of goods. I'd hope that we'd all be cognizant of the fact that, regardless of our beliefs, someone who more or less agrees with us will overstate, exaggerate, or simply flat out lie to us. Regardless of your positions, a person looks like a fool when these things get pointed out to him and yet he persists with the lie.

Of course, as I think about it, that's who's leading the MAGA right--that guy who insists he's right, even when he's wrong. The guy who will launch vicious personal attacks on those who disagree with him.
The guy for whom truth is whatever comes out of his mouth at any given second.

That's the right wing role model. That's the guy that all the Republican politicians fawningly pledge fealty too.

And for good measure, let's impugn the latest source you linked to:
A judge has scheduled a major defamation case against right-wing cable channel Newsmax to go to trial in late September
Hears a post that puts fear in every TDS dreamer

Hope your getting 10 cents per post by the DNC to post your lefty dribble.
The Dems of denver purpose sales tax increase to cover the cost of being a sanctuary city. Mind you the metro area didn’t vote to be a sanctuary city but the elite lefties of Denver city council decided for the people and now Denver health has a 140 million in unpaid health claims.

Not only that denver shuffled 2000 migrants to Salt Lake City with no jobs or housing for the illegal immigrants. What goes around comes around
The Saudi's shoot refugees on sight. Maybe that's a solution?
Totally unreasonable solution: why should some deep-state unelected bureaucrat tell me I need to buy a bullet to shoot that refugee? Why should my hard-earned taxpayer dollars pay to have that refugee cremated?

What makes more sense is to gather all the "questionable" immigrants into arena's, and force them to beat each other to death with lead pipes. Then whomever's left over can drag the bodies back across the border to wherever they came from, then Mexico can pay for it. It solves all kinds of problems:

1) It costs me nothing personally
2) It promotes exercise
3) It shows us who really wants to be here and who has the strength and skills to survive in America
4) It reduces lead in the environment

More government is never the solution!

Totally unreasonable solution: why should some deep-state unelected bureaucrat tell me I need to buy a bullet to shoot that refugee? Why should my hard-earned taxpayer dollars pay to have that refugee cremated?

What makes more sense is to gather all the "questionable" immigrants into arena's, and force them to beat each other to death with lead pipes. Then whomever's left over can drag the bodies back across the border to wherever they came from, then Mexico can pay for it. It solves all kinds of problems:

1) It costs me nothing personally
2) It promotes exercise
3) It shows us who really wants to be here and who has the strength and skills to survive in America
4) It reduces lead in the environment

More government is never the solution!
Securing the border is one of the few legitimate purposes of government. Funny how you can't grok this simple fact. We wouldn't need to concern ourselves with millions of illegals and the thousands of criminals, terrorists, etc. who came in with them if we had simply funded CBP and worked on border security. Bad gov created this problem. Keep up with the twisted "logic." Maybe one day you'll have to pay taxes and see them wasted, too.
Sorry I missed the birthday party for this thread!
C'mon man! Leave Brandon alone, he will have his sHrillary moment sooner or later, losing a shoe as he is lumped like a sack into a suburban. Really hot summer, with the Heat Index™ at 122 degrees in NYC yesterday! What gets me is that the G7 leaders are all in on the sham as well now. They spent the weekend with the vegetable and must be pretty unnerved to know that people like the interns for samantha power and john podesta's are running the show. Now they have to keep the lies alive knowing that there is nothing there in the Brandon entity. Eat it, G6. He was "too busy" to go to the friggin G7 dinner- that's why he's there! Too busy sitting alone, calm and peaceful in a chair in a dimly lit room, yeah, cornpop, I showed you a thing or two! ooh a buggy! Jill. . . Jilllll?!?

To belatedly celebrate the milestone, I went back and re-read the hill article that hodie linked in the OP.

Yes, a representative republic with checks and balances federal/state IS a threat to democracy, pure democracy. I firmly agree, and am very glad for the fact that despite regressive tactics from all sides it is still working imperfectly, better than the short list of alternatives.

From someone who has debated Trump:
It is a waste of time to try to refute Mr. Trump’s arguments like in a normal debate. It’s nearly impossible to identify what his arguments even are. He starts with nonsense and then digresses into blather. This has gotten only worse in the years since we debated. I was not surprised that after a recent meeting, several chief executives said that Mr. Trump, as one journalist described it, “could not keep a straight thought” and was “all over the map.” Yet expectations for him are so low that if he doesn’t literally light himself on fire on Thursday evening, some will say he was downright presidential.

(I won't waste a link because I know the visceral reaction this author evokes in some of you.)

*There are times when I wonder if Trump's supporters actually listen to him (not talking about carefully selected 5 second sound bites here--have they listened to even 2 unedited minutes of a stump speech?) And if they do listen, what are they hearing that convinces them he's not completely lost it? It can't be the electric boat bit, can it? Or any of the ravings about dishwashers and toilets and whatever unparseable nonsense he spins on that topic? Or are Trump's supporters just as addled and confused as he is?
I'm more concerned with the actual policies Trump and his admin will push (based on his prior term) than talking points and sound bites. The Biden admin has shown what their policies and priorities are regardless of his dementia-riddled teleprompter misreadings or misremembered canned responses. The people can judge how things are now compared to before Biden. The debate is just a chance for a major blunder or reinterpreted snippet to be used as a gotcha before the election. The difference between actual policies and principles is what matters.
There are times when I wonder if Trump's supporters actually listen to him (not talking about carefully selected 5 second sound bites here--have they listened to even 2 unedited minutes of a stump speech?) And if they do listen, what are they hearing that convinces them he's not completely lost it? It can't be the electric boat bit, can it? Or any of the ravings about dishwashers and toilets and whatever unparseable nonsense he spins on that topic? Or are Trump's supporters just as addled and confused as he is?
Counter argument: Biden has Alzheimers and he's not even running the show!
Counter argument: Biden has Alzheimers and he's not even running the show!
The counter argument is that 3.5 years of whomever is running the Biden administration has hurt all of us, weakened the nation, and not worked to negotiate peace, either by diplomacy or threat of forceful response. Contrast that with 2017-2020 where for over three years we had a robust economy, good job growth, an increasingly secure border, and no new major foreign conflicts.

Yes, Trump made some blunders (like listening to Fauci, et. al., pushing the big pharma shots, appointing some questionable people to key posts, etc.). But on the whole his administration was better for pretty much every US citizen.
I found a "drain the swamp" reference I was looking for when that ridiculous slogan got brought up here recently:

Mr Trump addressed the origin of his “drain the swamp” chants even more brazenly. “Funny how that term caught on, isn’t it? I told everyone - ‘I hate it!’. I hated it. I said, ‘oh, that’s so hokey, that’s so terrible.’ I said, ‘all right, I’ll try it.’ So like a month ago, I said ‘drain the swamp.’ Place went crazy. I said ‘woah’. Then I said it again. Then I started saying it like I meant it, right?”
I found a "drain the swamp" reference I was looking for when that ridiculous slogan got brought up here recently:

Mr Trump addressed the origin of his “drain the swamp” chants even more brazenly. “Funny how that term caught on, isn’t it? I told everyone - ‘I hate it!’. I hated it. I said, ‘oh, that’s so hokey, that’s so terrible.’ I said, ‘all right, I’ll try it.’ So like a month ago, I said ‘drain the swamp.’ Place went crazy. I said ‘woah’. Then I said it again. Then I started saying it like I meant it, right?”
I didn't click on the Trevor Noah link but I read the Trump quote. Indeed "drain the swamp" resonates with millions of voters. exPresident Trump is enough of a politician to realize when a meme gains traction with the public, and use it. The overt evidence of lawfare used to interfere with the 2024 election is visible in plain sight.
Speaking about the deep state, new reports are surfacing about CIA contractors involvement with the "Hunter laptop letter" that 51 intelligence professionals signed before the 2020 debate discrediting the laptop evidence as Russian disinformation. These guys need to explain who was behind that obvious campaign op.

This is not exactly breaking news but relevant in the run up to this week's debate.
