The Vaccine

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Minimum constituting protection' they don't know yet. But might have an idea after coming winter.
Interesting. It would be nice to know at some point. I guess better safe than sorry will have to be the standard until then.

"Viral testing to assess for acute SARS-CoV-2 infection or serologic testing to assess for prior infection is not recommended for the purpose of vaccine decision-making. Present data are insufficient to determine an antibody titer threshold that indicates when an individual is protected from SARS-CoV-2 infection. There is neither any FDA-authorized or FDA-approved test nor any other scientifically validated strategy that providers or the public can use to reliably determine whether a person is protected from infection."
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Sorry for my ignorance - what's the inverse? Pro vaccination folks who were vaccinated and didn't get covid, and now think vaccination is unnecessary? I doubt if there are many of those.

Dr. Robert Malone changed his mind. Though many may argue who invented mRNA technology some credit Dr. Malone. He took the gene serum and has now changed his mind.

This letter contains declarations from vaccine-injured physicians:
Christine Anderson Speech Against Vaccine Mandates



And, on a lighter note: The World Responds To Vaccine Mandates



People are waking up: The Vaccine Death Cult is losing control of the narrative...

You are not alone.
I posted on 9/8/21 in a now locked thread:

"I have a question I can't find an answer to. Studies have shown that people who get covid and recover, and subsequently after a period of time get vaccinated, have a greater immune response (antibodies in particular) than recovered people who do not get vaccinated. My question is, do people who are vaccinated and then get a breakthrough case of covid have an equivalent greater immune response than those who get covid without prior vaccination?"

Now finally some data:

"Fully vaccinated individuals developed robust anamnestic antibody and T cell responses following infection with the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant. These data suggest important immunologic benefits of vaccination in the context of breakthrough infections."
No one finds this odd?
That site might be the most ringing endorsement of peer review I have ever seen.

They claim that various athletes died "shortly after a COVID shot" but look at the very first link referencing Blake Barklage, a 17 year old tennis player. There's no one shred of evidence that he died shortly after a vaccination. The article cited doesn't mention COVID, of vaccines, at all. Further Googling leads to a Pennsyvlania CBS News site that actually says, "No other information about his health, including his COVID-19 vaccination status, was made public. His exact age wasn’t immediately reported." There is literally zero causation proved here, other than conspiracy threads in Reddit.

Another one picked at random: Nickolas Lawrinas, official cause of death was cited as epilepsy. Again, the article linked doesn't mention vaccinations or COVID at all.

Looking through the list, I finally find an article that even mentions the vaccine. Everest Romney, suffered from blood clots after receiving his first does of the vaccine. Opening the article reveals, "Everest Romney’s mother says the symptoms started after getting his first COVID-19 vaccination dose. However, she insists the clots are not directly associated with the Pfizer vaccine."

Does anyone bother vetting any of the garbage they decide to put online?

If you want to see what a real causality study looks like, check here: Death - Adverse Events Associated with Childhood Vaccines - NCBI Bookshelf

They found approximately 300 cases of deaths temporally linked to a polio vaccination event. In fact, there are hundreds of deaths linked to all types of common vaccinations every year.

"Causality Argument

The evidence favors acceptance of a causal relation between OPV and GBS. The evidence establishes a causal relation between OPV and paralytic poliomyelitis in recipients or contacts (see Chapter 7). GBS and paralytic poliomyelitis can be fatal. Although there is no direct evidence of death as a consequence of OPV-induced GBS, in the committee's judgment OPV could cause fatal GBS. There are data regarding death from vaccine-strain polio infection; the data derive primarily from immunocompromised individuals. There is no evidence or reason to believe that the case fatality rate for GBS or vaccine-associated poliovirus infection (including that resulting in paralytic poliomyelitis) is less than that for these adverse events associated with any other cause.

The possible causal relation between polio vaccines and SIDS has rarely been studied. The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation between polio vaccines and SIDS.


The evidence establishes a causal relation between OPV and death from vaccine-strain poliovirus infection, including infection that results in paralytic poliomyelitis. The conclusion is based on case reports and not on controlled studies. No relative risk can be calculated. However, the risk of death from OPV-related polio infection would seem to be extraordinarily low.

The evidence favors acceptance of a causal relation between OPV and death from GBS. There is no direct evidence for this; the conclusion is based on the potential of GBS to be fatal. The risk would appear to be extraordinarily low.

The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation between polio vaccines and SIDS.

The evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relation between OPV and death from causes other than those listed above."

If you wanted to find a primary, peer-reviewd source for what you were trying to claim, you could have just looked here:
"During days 0 to 21 postvaccination, there were a total of 34 cases of confirmed myocarditis/pericarditis among individuals aged 12 to 39 years, of whom 53% were aged 12 to 24 years, 85% were male, 82% were hospitalized (median length of stay, 1 day), and nearly all were recovered at record review (eTable 4 in the Supplement). Cases were significantly clustered within the 0 to 5 days after vaccination (P < .001) (eFigure 2 in the Supplement). In supplemental analyses using vaccinated concurrent comparators, incidence per 1 000 000 person-years during the risk vs comparison intervals and adjusted RR were 321 vs 35 (RR, 9.83; 95% CI, 3.35-35.77) during days 0 to 7 after vaccination, corresponding to 6.3 additional cases per million doses (95% CI, 4.9-6.8) (Table 4). After dose 2, RR estimates were higher for both BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273 vaccines (eTable 5 in the Supplement).

Supplemental analyses among all ages, using unvaccinated comparators, were mostly consistent with the primary vaccinated comparator analyses; however, for myocarditis/pericarditis, incidence per 1 000 000 person-years during the risk vs comparison intervals and adjusted RR were 132 vs 83 (RR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.05-1.82) (eTable 6 in the Supplement)."

So 34 confirmed cases of myocarditis/pericarditis in young males that were temporally linked to vaccination events. However the important part is the second paragraph, where they explain its not statistically different from the rates amongst unvaccinated comparable groups. The total difference was 6.3 cases per million doses. Very similar to the measles-mumps-rubella-polio data I linked above.
I'm not trying to 'claim' anything but it's odd that athletes are suddenly having 'cardiac arrest' while playing. At some point it's not a coincidence.

I know.. The vaccines are the safest thing ever and they actually prevent other illnesses as well. I get it, don't question the vaccines. Mandates are good.

Anything that questions the safety Covid vaccinations is a conspiracy.. VAERS data is bunk, right? lol
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Much as I try I cannot find an unedited version of Von Der Leyens address in Brussels on December 1st .
Theres many ways of reading the so called 'science' , the fundamental of the matter for me is this , a cornerstone of the EU's charter on human rights enshrines the right to bodily autonomy , ie we have the right NOT to be injected with substances if we choose not . I think most of the level headed people here have already agreed manditory vaccination is a step too far , even if they themselves are vaccinated by choice . All I could think when I saw Von Der Leyens original address was that there was a lizzard waiting to burst out from inside her . Anyone fancy a bite to eat ?


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I'm not trying to 'claim' anything but it's odd that athletes are suddenly having 'cardiac arrest' while playing. At some point it's not a coincidence.

I know.. The vaccines are the safest thing ever and they actually prevent other illnesses as well. I get it, don't question the vaccines. Mandates are good.

Anything that questions the safety Covid vaccinations is a conspiracy.. VAERS data is bunk, right? lol
Define 'suddenly'. "At some point" has a clear meaning in science (P value, RR value), and we aren't there yet.

Note this predates COVID by 3 years:
"Sudden cardiac death is the most common medical cause of death in athletes, with an incidence of around 1 in 40,000 to 1 in 80,000 athletes per year according to the most recent estimates."

Questioning is fine. VAERS data is not bunk, but has serious caveats (for example, if you die in a car crash on the way home after vaccination it's required to be entered in the VAERS database). There are people trained and paid to properly interpret the data (e.g. the second link I posted) - why are their arguments not compelling? That web site you linked wasn't accomplishing anything other than JAQ'ing off. The fact that none of the evidence to the contrary is ever addressed speaks volumes.
Medina Spirit (Kentucky Derby winner) collapsed and died suddenly at the Santa Anita race track after a workout, attributed to a heart attack. Investigations are certain to be instituted regarding the relationship of his sudden death to his covid vaccinations.
Medina Spirit (Kentucky Derby winner) collapsed and died suddenly at the Santa Anita race track after a workout, attributed to a heart attack. Investigations are certain to be instituted regarding the relationship of his sudden death to his covid vaccinations.
that same horse failed a positive drug test after kentucky derby....

Probably not vaccine related, but I'm not a doctor.

Medina Spirit (Kentucky Derby winner) collapsed and died suddenly at the Santa Anita race track after a workout, attributed to a heart attack. Investigations are certain to be instituted regarding the relationship of his sudden death to his covid vaccinations.
The conspiracy theorists are already crying foal. They are insisting the CDC pony up the evidence, and demanding us to halter these vaccinations immediately. We are saddling our children with too many side effects! Dr. Fauci, and the current crop of scientists, should give up the reins, stop stirrup'ing controversy, and be trotted out to pasture!
The conspiracy theorists are already crying foal. They are insisting the CDC pony up the evidence, and demanding us to halter these vaccinations immediately. We are saddling our children with too many side effects! Dr. Fauci, and the current crop of scientists, should give up the reins, stop stirrup'ing controversy, and be trotted out to pasture!
LOL! Your punnishment is bridling, and will either pommel me to death or spur me on to action. I hope we don't have to jockey for the lead here.

Also, I hope they do a drug screen on Medina to see if it was the ivermectin that killed him.
Questioning is fine. VAERS data is not bunk, but has serious caveats (for example, if you die in a car crash on the way home after vaccination it's required to be entered in the VAERS database).
A bit like when a family member died in a nursing home with multiple comorbidities but the cause of death was Covid. I see..
The conspiracy theorists are already crying foal. They are insisting the CDC pony up the evidence, and demanding us to halter these vaccinations immediately. We are saddling our children with too many side effects! Dr. Fauci, and the current crop of scientists, should give up the reins, stop stirrup'ing controversy, and be trotted out to pasture!
Covid vaccinations should be voluntary. Especially given the low risk to MOST of the popualtion. Parents should be able to decide for themselves if the risk is worth any of the benefits (or lack thereof)

Science shouldn't be politicized but unfortunately, these are the times we live in. Dr Fauci is a joke along with another 'supposed' dr.
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Were seeing quite a lot of people not showing up for the so called booster here , I note several friends of mine who took the original vax shots are now refusing to submit to an endless series 'boosters' . Same time Im not denying that certain vulnerable groups , the old, the infirm or people with underlying conditions might stand to benefit more than the people in good health . As far as I can tell we've picked an unwinable war with mother nature , the virus shape shifts to fast and poorer places end up loosing out in the bidding war .
The conspiracy theorists are already crying foal. They are insisting the CDC pony up the evidence, and demanding us to halter these vaccinations immediately. We are saddling our children with too many side effects! Dr. Fauci, and the current crop of scientists, should give up the reins, stop stirrup'ing controversy, and be trotted out to pasture!
Perhaps a little bit off the hoof, but I think you neigh-led it, mane!
Now finally some data:

"Fully vaccinated individuals developed robust anamnestic antibody and T cell responses following infection with the SARS-CoV-2 delta variant. These data suggest important immunologic benefits of vaccination in the context of breakthrough infections."
It's confusing because it mentions that some antibodies were waning, even undetected, at time of infection.

It's unclear if levels are different from being infected then getting vaccinated, than they are from being vaccinated then being infected. Especially since it's only 14 people in the test and they were in the younger age group. Studies in England showed pretty good levels of antibodies after infection, especially in the younger age groups ( even capping numbers anytime before May 2021), and levels increasing over time, implied because of the vaccinations.

Still would be nice to know what this means in regards to protection from symptomatic infection. Obviously the levels weren't where they needed to be at some point. Are they now after being infected?
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