The Vaccine

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I'm afraid I don't have an open mind any more. We have many areas of ignorance in medicine, and things will change, but I'm old, and I have analyzed the data to the best of my ability.

presumed covid deaths USA almost 800k of 330M
presumed vaccine deaths USA maybe 15k of 475M doses

I don't believe the vaccine death numbers for various reasons, but even if true, I'll take those odds any day. There may be serious vaccine side effects, but a recent study estimates 37% of serious covid cases exhibit long haul sequelae.

Anyway, I'm done with this. In the end, those of us living are all going to have covid antibodies one way or the other. I'm shot and boosted, and so are those I care about. So be it.
BS. We've never seen vaccine-induced death on this scale. June data:


More deaths than all prior vaccine deaths combined since records have been kept. VAERS is now at 17,000+ and hasn't been updated in quite some time.

So you're asking us to believe they were hiding all prior vax deaths better than they are Covid Vax deaths?

That chart is grossly misleading for at least five reasons:

1) To start off, it can't be a chart of "Reported deaths post COVID vaccine", because there was no COVID vaccine prior to 2020. So the heading is wrong, and is likely a chart of all VAERS reports for all vaccines. The chart is also uncited.

If I made a chart that said "Deaths that occurred on Sunday", and plotted it against the entire week, it would look the same for the same reasons.

2) It's misleading because of the nature of what VAERS reports. From the CDC requirements:

"Everyone is encouraged to report possible adverse events after vaccination to VAERS, even if they are not sure whether the vaccine caused the problem. In general, you should report any side effect or health problem after vaccination that is concerning to you."

So by definition, VAERS would always be a superset of vaccine-implicated deaths, not deaths confirmed to be caused by vaccine. And this also applies to any vaccine as well.

3) The chart isn't normalized to doses, which is a better way of calculating risk. Even for sake of argument, let's take for granted that all 17k+ deaths were directly attributed casually to a vaccine. There have been close to 450 million doses given in America alone: that is an incident rate of 0.0034%.

And even this is not really correct, because the proper denominator for event risk is events divided by dose-years, to account for the fact that all of the doses weren't an impulse response at a specific time, and to factor in the difference between someone who drops dead when the needle goes in, versus someone who dies of old-age 60 years later (both are strictly post vaccination deaths). But the point is the same.

4) The chart is not normalize for excess deaths (deaths that would have occurred even if no vaccines had existed). And due to the definition of VAERS data it never can be: this has to be carefully studied and accounted for.

5) The reality of the situation is that mandated vaccines (and all vaccines in general), are normally spread out over a 4-6 year term, and normally given (mostly) to children and young adults. This spreads the risk profile out for the entire population over a wide amount of time, and centers the risk profile into only a 20-25% of the general population.

That didn't happen with COVID: all of the doses were administered in mass to a large chuck of the population (18+ years old until recently) over a very short timeframe (roughly 1 year at this point).

If you want to see a chart of studied post-vaccination events, that properly accounts for person-years and excess risk ratios, here is an example (Surveillance for Adverse Events After COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination):


You can see that the most statistically relevant excess case in the 6 million person study was venous thromboembolism (aka. a deep vein blot clot), with an excess risk of 7.5 cases per million doses. Clots are one of the major confirmed side effects, however the risk of getting one is 3 orders of magnitude less than dying of COVID in the first place.

To quote crazydoc, those are chances I would take any day.
Really great post, Matador, elucidating much better than I could some of the reasons the antivaxxers death tolls are not to be believed. Thanks.
Even for sake of argument, let's take for granted that all 17k+ deaths were directly attributed casually to a vaccine. There have been close to 450 million doses given in America alone: that is an incident rate of 0.0034%.
How does the flu vaccine compare? Are the circumstances considered different because not as many people or age groups take it? How many flu vaccines are/were given in a year for example? And deaths from flu vaccination...
Some news about the newest variant, from South-Africa:

Roughly 99% of the people infected with the new variant are unvaccinated.

Symptoms are somewhat different: headache, muscle pains, fatigue, slightly soar throat. No dripping noses or other flu-like symptoms.

The best news is that most patients only show very mild symptoms.
We celebrated a great Thanksgiving, nobody died, no masks, even the lefty maskers in my family have had it
and then here's Dr Fastball jumping the brownshirt shark: Happy Holidays everyone

..historically the whole rounding up diseased people is a bad look and ends in a bad way


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"presumed covid deaths USA almost 800k of 330M"

If you subscribe to this as an accurate reflection of reality you're at high risk of being gamed.


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How does the flu vaccine compare? Are the circumstances considered different because not as many people or age groups take it? How many flu vaccines are/were given in a year for example? And deaths from flu vaccination...
Moderna has been trying to use the same technology (mRNA) to craft a combo covid/flu shot to benefit from the annual flu shot revenue stream. Their recent news release says their mRNA flu shot does not work better than the existing flu shot (Fluzone). The stock price dropped 10%.

In the overall scheme that sounds like two good news in one. Read that some still advised both shots at the same time, but if so one per arm (to avoid moderna arm+).
Thankfully, it appears to be the later. Not sure I've read about many omicron deaths, if any.
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Funny that there was a comment earlier on a UK poll about maniditory vaxing being pulled from TV due to a negative public reaction , just so happens tonight Borris the Blond Bufoons career hinged on that very subject , he'd proposed making vaxcinations manditory for certain segments of the workforce and he was facing rebellion from his own back benches , if the motion failed he faced a wider motion of no confidence which could have been check mate for him and his political career . I did'nt watch the news so I dont know what happened in the end .
"The limitations of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines suggest that they will ultimately need to be replaced by second-generation vaccines that induce more broadly protective and more durable immunity. We must now prioritize development of broadly protective vaccines like the universal influenza vaccines we have been working toward in recent years."

from the people who brought you an annual flu shot with an effective success rate of what anyone want to take a "jab" at that one 😁
(Fauci got sick in 2020 or did we forget, he had his flu shot. Or did he lie about that too?)
The corona virus is similar to the cold virus and last time I checked there is no vaccine for that... Covid will be with us, but hopefully in a less deadly version. Endemic, like the flu etc, not pandemic.

I finally read the WSJ newspaper article about the milestone Omnicon dog that barked, in the UK and it is looking like the patient died "while" infected by Omnicon, not necessarily from Omnicon. Reportedly the cause of death could not be determined, and they don't seem to know about patient's vaccination status either....

from the people who brought you an annual flu shot with an effective success rate of what anyone want to take a "jab" at that one
I still don't quite understand the compulsion to always make "perfection the enemy of the good". Flu shots are pretty effective at preventing sickness in the strains that are targeted. The problem is there are thousands of strains out there, and you can't inoculate against all of them.

Natural immunity keeps coming up, but I notice nobody commented on the article I posted earlier comparing natural versus vaccine immunity. :)
I still don't quite understand the compulsion to always make "perfection the enemy of the good". Flu shots are pretty effective at preventing sickness in the strains that are targeted. The problem is there are thousands of strains out there, and you can't inoculate against all of them.
Human risk assessment is guilty of overweighting downside vs upside.

I notice most news reports are breathlessly citing new omnicon cases, not omnicon deaths because they are pretty rare (so far).

Natural immunity keeps coming up, but I notice nobody commented on the article I posted earlier comparing natural versus vaccine immunity. :)
It seems like the only hammers in the government tool kit are vaccines and masks. Natural immunity is hard for them to manage or take credit for. Somebody will make a lot of money from widespread testing. Omnicon is cleverly outsmarting the temperature (fever) screens with mild/no symptoms.

Natural immunity keeps coming up, but I notice nobody commented on the article I posted earlier comparing natural versus vaccine immunity. :)
Probably because we are in the empirical reality of our own observations at this point.

The fear campaign is still strong but less people are buying it as time goes on.
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