electronicpresskit said:
JohnRoberts said:
If you suspect the cap you could replace it with a film cap just to test. DC leakage in the cap is another suspect but should be pretty small with everything biased and working near 0V.
Changing C55 to a 100N polypropylene cap still produces a thump, but it never exceeds -14mv and the shape is smoother.
Putting the 33uF electrolytic back in I immediately get the same > -100mv thump I've been seeing.
Changing C55 to a 1uF metallized polypropylene cap results in no thump!
Changing C55 to a .1uF polyester cap results in no thump!
I'd be suspicious that DC leakage current is a factor while the polypropylene should be very low leakage, like the other film caps.
I still don't suspect DA but there is a relationship between DA and changing or alternating termination impedance. When muted or not, the input path should express very similar impedance, but transiently during switching between muted and un-muted, or back, both FETs can be open and high impedance. So I'll give DA a weak maybe.
Changing C55 and C115 to a 4.7uF electrolytic (same model as 33uF) results in a thump but no greater than 25-30mv. Increasing R128 and R132 to 20k has no effect on the thump, but get's us back to a good cutoff frequency. The amount of time to get no thump is also reduced to one or two seconds.
Smaller C55 could cause less leakage current and/or less DA. So I can't draw any conclusion other than moving in right direction. Making C115 smaller reduces time it takes to rebalance to op amp output voltage.
Leakage of blah blah + 3uA is not exactly low leakage, but i ASSume the pre-mute audio feed is nominally 0V dc.
Unfortunately I don't have any non-polar electrolytics in the same size as a film cap, so it seems hard to know if cap size or dielectric is making the difference...until I get some more caps.
How strict is your self noise budget? Scaling up to 50-100k could allow much smaller C values.
Or could there still be something else?
Probably ... we're looking at the symptoms without complete understanding of cause.
Can I ASSume that when you say gain, you mean level?
When mute is active Q6 is conducting and Q5 is open? Voltage on C115 should be same as output of U5B (is it?).
No, but with R22 there shouldn't it be different?
that looks like the plan
U5B pin 7 hovers around 2-3mv DC.
+2mV to +3mV DC? or +2mV to -3mV
C115/R22 junction shows a smoothed version of the input signal at +/-5mv, hovering synchronously with U5b pin 7.
What does VOM read when probing directly across R22...?
while muted how much AC voltage is present at node between two JFETS?
+/- 47mv
are gate voltages correct? For "muted" gate of Q6 should be 0V , gate of Q5 should be minus several volts (J111 could require as much as 10V to fully pinch off). If Q5 doesn't turn fully off it could increase the Noise gain of U5B but that shouldn't automatically cause DC shift.
Pin 3 of Q5 is 7.5v, and U5D pin 14 is at 9.9v
Adding a 10k parallel to R119 gives us 9.475v at pin 3 of Q5 and no difference in the thump.
-9.475?? Sounds close enough to -10V , while data sheet says -10v worse case, just for argument if it actually requires 10V and source has 47mV of signal that could modulate it's "offness" (not a word).
It sounds like you are making progress...
Note, another minor tweak is instead of connection R70 to ground (0V) you could connect the 1M resistor to the output of u5B. This would charge the input cap up to the correct voltage for no thumps (maybe.... I really don't like to alter respected people's designs on public forums.)
He does publish his email address on his website while I don't know how enthusiastic he would be to participate.