Existence of tube/classD amps? I haven't been to a hifi show in years. Here's what under "Class D amplifier with tubes" google search:I have not come across this, outside the the work of JC Morrison. His Silbatone Amp's using this, last time I heard them on antique WE speakers at Munich in 2019BC (before COVID) sounded fine.
I would be interested in other examples on existence.
Existence of tube/classD amps?
For "OTL Tube Amp" I would probably just do a Futterman style Amp using a sensible output tube that can drive 600 Ohm (maybe a few 6N30 in Parallel) and add P-Channel Mosfets in a compound feedback pair to drive low impedance loads.
Yes, it's not strictly "OTL Tube" BUT is will give really high power and sound very much like a tube OTL Amp.
It's really not much different than using a tube preamp with a D amp.
I once considered it. Just put a tube cathode follower or amp in front of the D amp and put a cathode follower in NFB loop. But that was 14 years ago.
How fast are class D amps now?
I found a medium power chip that runs at runs at 2.1 mhz. 45 WHi,
For "OTL Tube Amp" I would probably just do a Futterman style Amp using a sensible output tube that can drive 600 Ohm (maybe a few 6N30 in Parallel) and add P-Channel Mosfets in a compound feedback pair to drive low impedance loads.
Yes, it's not strictly "OTL Tube" BUT is will give really high power and sound very much like a tube OTL Amp.
ZOTL? Why not just make a Class D Amp with a Tube in the first stage?
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That's the Moscode, my amp, 2 gain stages, bootstrapped cathode follower, complementary lateral mosfets, like the Hafler amps of that era. There are a few thousand in the world.No. Tube OTL with solid state current booster. Like my comment here.
That is what I referred to
No, no followers. Not if you want something that sounds like a real tube amp
That's the Moscode, my amp, 2 gain stages, bootstrapped cathode follower, complementary lateral mosfets, like the Hafler amps of that era. There are a few thousand in the world.
Check these ones out :There are audiophile record labels that do care but it isn't a big market
I don't doubt it. I was the chief engineer at NYAL. You may not know the whole story.Harvey "Gizmo" was a friend, I know his amplifiers.
A long winded talk with Berning:
Some screen grabs:
The point is that ZOTL uses power tubes to drive your speakers
and not a preamp that drives a couple of power mosfets.
The speaker drive current is generated by a set of full bridge DC-DC converters
Like this ?
No dc coupling removes all the “magic” as they need to be driven hard (as all output devices).
The coupling cap is at the high impedant stage where it creates the least damage.
Obviously you have no experience in high end audio.
Study the designs of top designers like Jim and you will (maybe) understand.